As a massive Фан of Harley Quinn, I decided to makee a makeup tutorial of her (Suicide squad version), what do Ты think of it? Hope Ты will like it :)
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I am a true Фан of Harley Quinn, I was so happy for the Suicide Squad movie. Then I saw it... it was good, but in the movie the Joker seemed to really Любовь Harley. I am happy that the Joker is being nice to Harley but its just sad that ppl that are just learning about Harley won't know the original Любовь story.
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I'd like to think I'm a combination of Ivy and Harley with my obsession of nature and somewhat sick humor that I Показать very few. My sister is definitely Catwoman. Любовь Ты Harley!! Definitely my favorite!!
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HI :D I'm dressing as Harley 4 Хэллоуин and my bf is dressing as Mr сойка, джей (joker) and another friend is Dressing as poison ivy, so cool.
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