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Source: rosemina
Гарри Поттер
ron weasley
Гермиона Грейнджер
neville longbottom
ginny weasley
Драко Малфой
Fanpup says...

This Гарри Поттер Фан-арт contains портрет, выстрел в голову, близком расстоянии, макро, and крупным планом.

posted by princessofmagic
Calypso's P.O.V.

Being dead wasn't bad at all. No sarcasm. When Calypso died, her soul landed in a big red room. No,it wasn't a room, but like a big red empty space. Different souls were cruised around her, to see who she was. Calyspo heard one soul say "Another one? Why are we getting so many kids?"

"Tiss a shame, there all dying far to young." another сказал(-а) sadly. Calypso raised an eyebrow. A lot of the souls left, but one remained. It was Dumbledor.

"Calypso Cryson. Seventh year, Slytherin. I remember Ты all right. Even though Ты did Ты best to avoid being seen by me, I noticed the resemblance...
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Credit: link. I didn't write it myself.

"I like taking pointless Facebook surveys as much as the Далее person. But, since they’re mostly about kissing, I started to wonder how someone completely incapable of feeling Любовь might handle such things. So I just had to tag my good pal Lord Voldemort in my most Последнее survey. Here's what he had to say:

Was your last Kiss standing up, sitting down, или lying down?
The only Kiss I believe in is the Dementor's kiss, and as I have very little soul remaining in my withered husk of a body, one would have little effect on me.

Whose постель, кровати were Ты on last?
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posted by siriusblack4eva
Severus Snape was, in fact The Bravest Man I Ever Knew. "Albus Severus, Ты were named for two headmasters at Hogwarts, one of them was a Slytherin. And he was, probably, the bravest man I ever knew." Severus Snape fought for what was right. "A true wizard on the inside. Not afraid of what he had to do" "Long назад I had a teacher. A sallow skinned Slytherin with long black hair. I hated him and he seemed to hate me too. Though I branded him a coward, he was, in fact, the bravest man I ever knew."
So, I say, to Severus Snape, 'You were the Bravest Man I Ever Knew. Long live Snape! He was "a true wizard on the inside."'
To Snape!
posted by FashionBug12
Hermione dashed up the stairs to the Gryffindor commons. 
"That selfish pig. That sad excuse for a pure-blood! That-" 
Ron sauntered up behind her, and put his arms around her waist. During this particular year, (6th) he was being especially romantic. His red hair was illuminated by the огонь behind them.
"Oh!" Hermione gasped. "Hello Ronald, how's your evening?" 
He swayed her back and forth slowly, and kissed her cheek. "Better now your here."
She giggled. "Cheesy, yet effective." Hermione reached up and kissed Ron's cheek.
"So, why back so late, 'Mione?" Ron asked. "Studying for our imaginary...
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1. Ask him why he 'doesn't have such a cool scar?'

2. Laugh at him.

3. Wake him up by Пение пляж, пляжный Boys songs in his ear. 'Round, round, get around, I get around...'

4. Knit him things. Really hideous things.

5. Give him kangaroo-ears for a month.

6. Smile during Death-Eater meetings and say Ты taught him everything he knows.

7. Chew bubblegum all the time. Should he address you, your only response will be a series of huge bubbles in quick succession, the last of which will burst everywhere and make a mess.

8. Dance the Funky Chicken.

9. Ask him when was the last time he took a bath.

10. Pat him on...
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This is a Фан fiction from Harry Potter's oldest son James point of view. Enjoy.

Last night I dreamed about going to hogwarts and beaing made fun of beacause I was not as great as my dad. It is hard beaing a famous wizards dad,everyone expects Ты to live up to his reputation, and to be just as great as he was. Well, at least I was not Albus who looks exactly like dad,I however, looked like..both of them. My eyes were shockingly green like dads, I had red hair(though not as fiery as my moms), I wore glasses like my dad but my general face structure was like my moms.
As I sat up on my постель, кровати I...
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Hello everyone, this is a story from Harry's oldest son James point of view. Its my first Фан fiction but i hope Ты enjoy!

Uncle Ron and Aunt Hermonie were over,them, mom,dad,Albus my younger brother,lily my baby sister and I were all at the таблица chatting,well at least the adults were,me and my brother were just listening to the adults go on and on about there time at Hogwarts.
"-remember when we followed those spiders into the forest and met Aragog the giant spider?" my dad was asking Uncle Ron.
"Don't even remind me harry!" Uncle Ron exclaimed
"When was that?" Hermonie asked
"You would not remember...
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Credit: mugglenet.com
I didn't write this, I just thought it was really funny.

1. "What did I ever do to y..oh, nevermind."

2. "Oh, ha ha, Ты got me!! Am I on Punk'd? Where's the camera guy, huh? Where!?"

3. "Wow, you're even dumber than Ты look, and that's saying something. What kind of idiot tells their victim what they're about to do?! I'm ready for Ты now!!" *Prepare yourself by getting into various Matrix positions, beckon him with one finger*

4. "And she's all 'F.Y.I., he's so into me and not you.' and I'm all 'Yeah, right, whatever.' Oh, I'm sorry! Did Ты say something?"

5. "Why do you...
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posted by Persephone713
September 1981
Godrics Hollow pub.

Lily was looking around as though she were scared of who may come knocking. It was an eerie night but the moon managed to peak between the clouds that were circulating above, then..the pub door opened and in walked her old friend Severus.

" Lily"..said Severus taken aback by her beauty in the gleam of the moonlight. Her pale silky smooth skin, Beautiful Autumn colored hair and изумруд green eyes that sparkled like diamonds.

" You..you came" сказал(-а) Snape

"Of course" сказал(-а) Lily " I know Ты never...meant to call me what Ты did Sev, besides I might not have much time."...
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posted by LifesGoodx3
Северус Снегг
Severus Snape
Severus Snape was killed on May 2nd, 1998, by Voldemort. Voldemort killed him because he thought that Snape was the master of the Elder Wand, and if he killed him, then he would be the master.

Snape is a half-blood. He did not have a good childhood. It is possible that he was neglected at home. Also, he was bullied by James Potter and Sirius Black from the moment he started attending the school. Taking the bullying to far once, Sirius almost led Snape to a certain death. Sirius told Snape about the hidden passageway under the Whomping Willow, which led to the Shrieking Shack. There Remus Lupin...
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I don't consider the Harry Potter Wiki as reliable. Because according to its canon policy: if Rowling hasn't specifically denied something about a film in the Книги или in other words, whatever the films say is to be first and foremost promoted in the Статьи as a canon fact instead of the books' facts.

In my logic it should be the other way around. That the books' canon should be promoted first and foremost - exactly becasuse the Книги are the tier 1 canon and the Фильмы only the tier 2 или 3 even - and because we can not be sure what about the films are from Rowling's hints and what are just...
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posted by emilykuru

edward-bella vs harry-ginny

Edward and bella go to a railway station during one rainy день in london. They meet harry and ginny there,

( bella is not changed into a vampire yet )

Edward: bella love, close your eyes please!

Bella: why edward?

(thinks to himself)

Edward : just yesterday I had promised her that she was the prettiest one I have ever seen, but here here is ginny who looks so pretty.
And bella should better stay away from harry, или she will ditch me like jake..

( meanwhile harry is using legilimence when edward is busy thinking )

Harry: well, why am I going to eye a crackpot...
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June 1, 1998
    Minerva was sitting in her Избранное place on the берег of the lake, watching the sun rise over the silent grounds. Just to be alive, to see the first light of день hit the замок that stood, so resolutely, silhouetted against fading stars, was a blessing. This was Minerva's Избранное time of день because, for a few shining moments, all seemed to be as it should be; as the sun rose higher into the sky, the замок would come to life, and the students and professors alike would sit in the great hall and talk of meaningless things and be bathed in the fresh morning...
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posted by june13
harry potter is now logged in
harry anyone here i bored and can't do Magie
ginny w has now logged in
ginny yea am here this is why better then are old owl LOL
harry huh? LOL wants that tell ron isay hi d hi
ron w has nowlodgedd in
ron hi harry wazs up and ginny get out of this chat room
ginny u can't make me
harry ron ginny be nice and can any one till me what LOL and waz means
ginny LOL meanslaughh out loud and wazwantt is up
ron LOL meanslaughh out loud and wazwantt is up
ginny Ты took the words right out of my mouth
luke has now logged in
luke hi any one in here
harry has now logged out
ginny has nowlodgedd out
ron now has logged out
luke nope iGuesss not
luke has now logged out

am not a nerd and it only took 3 mins to make am just a big harry potter Фан tell me want u think by the why its is post to be funny happy brith день 45th j.k and happy 30th harry
so all i got to say is happy b день harry
posted by GinnyXHarryluv
A/N:If Ты wanna read this fic I suggest Ты go look up the written out trailer for it in the Ответы section cuz im not willing to explain everything again!!
Disclaimer:I obviously do not own Harry Potter but i do own all six dvds,all seven books,two posters, trading cards, bookmarks, coloring pages,and the HBP video game.

*music playing*
A black haired girl walks out on stage and starts singing.
Oh oh oh it's magic
You know, never believe its not so
It's magic, Ты know
Never believe it's not so
*'Magic' continues to play as the screen turns dark*
*Purple words appear on the screen,writing the words,...
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A Nerdy Throwdown

Leading up to tonight's premiere of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, it looked for a while like it was going to be all Twilight, all the time here at NewsFeed. But then a savior appeared on the horizon: the trailer for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which would premiere before the film! A hubbub arose: Would Potter Фаны flood the Twilight theaters, perhaps starting a nerd rumble? (No, because that would be stupid. Also, because Ты can watch the trailer online.)
However, the fortuitous timing has inspired NewsFeed to take a side in the blood feud that has run for generations...
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It was a beautiful, bright, sunny morning, and everyone was outside, having the time of their lives, for school was near. All except one boy on бирючина, привилегия, привет Drive.

Harry Potter sat on his bed, locked in his room, waiting for his owl, Hedwig, to return. She had gone to deliver letters to Harry's Друзья four nights назад and still hasn't returned.

The Dursleys had gone to a summer party. They were probably having a great time, while Harry was in his room. The party was supposed to last until midnight. Harry started to feel sleepy, then the room went black.

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posted by simpleplan
What do Ты call a coughing Quidditch commentator?
<<Weasley (Wheeze-Lee!)>>

What do Ты call jewelery that many people and I share?
<<Rubeus (Ruby-us!)>>

What do Ты call a teacher with a bad attitude? Moody Who would Ты call if Ты wanted to protect your Valentines?
<<Lockhart (Lock-heart!)>>

How many does it take to light up a wand?

How many Quidditch players does it take to light up a wand?
<<Six to work their butts off and a Seeker to take the credit.>>

How many Драконы does it take to light up a wand?
*whoosh of flames*
<<Never mind.>>...
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Genre: Drama/Angst
Rating: PG-13 (Mild language.)
Chapters: 2
AN: This is strongly related to my (much, much better written) one-shot, "Screaming In Our Hearts", which is about the день they save Junior from Azkaban.

My Junior's looks come from the actor Jamie колокол, колокольчик, белл and Senior's from the director Thomas Vinterberg: link :AN

When The Sun Turned Cold

'I'm just the shadow of the man I used to be. And it seems like there's no way out of this for me. I used to bring Ты sunshine. Now all I ever do is bring Ты down. How would it be if Ты were standing in my shoes?'

He'd been told there's a world in every...
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My, my, my My magic hits 'em
So hard
Makes me say
"Oh my lord"
Thank Ты for
Blessin' me
With magic power And a wand that can't be beat
It feels brilliant
When Ты know you're cool
A super-wicked Gryffindor
From Hogwarts school
And Known As such
This is a wizard
You can't touch

You can't touch this
You can't touch this
That's right Voldie, im talking to Ты
You can't touch this
Potter Time

Lemme bust the funky lyrics
Fresh new cauldrons
And Книги
You better watch out for snapes dirty looks
I hope
You mix those potions right
Cause snapes bark is cute
Next to his bite
If Ты don't...
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