HeartCatch PreCure! Club
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added by Rockarboom
added by harpnotelove
added by curepeach
added by kakiri
Source: http://moa810.deviantart.com
added by kakiri
Source: http://xopc.deviantart.com/
added by kakiri
Source: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=3423
added by kakiri
Source: http://pittan.deviantart.com/
added by Rockarboom
added by Rockarboom
added by kakiri
Source: http://asahi.co.jp/precure/
added by Rockarboom
added by kakiri
Source: http://kazzytazzy.deviantart.com/
added by Rockarboom
added by kakiri
Source: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=311054
posted by Nazo400
 I think this is Cure цветок
I think this is Cure Flower
Well I got to watch raw episode one today, not very exciting. The characters look younger then all the past Pretty Cures! Parts of the episode were corny to me... And HELLO!!! If this is for younger children WHY would Ты Показать 1 of the main characters with the sprites under her рубашка and making her look like she has big boobs?! No еще sprites becoming the main character's transformation item... I feel sort of sad for moonlight... Now there is a dark precure? I'm going to take a guess that Cure цветок is the purple haired girl in the opening (also standing by the tree) I don't think I will keep watching it... I might start again after DX 2 comes out <3 That would be the only reason why... This precure seems similar to Splash Star. With the great tree, sprites among other things.
 2 Main Characters and the Sprites
2 Main Characters and the Sprites
 Cure Moonlight
Cure Moonlight
 This is for young kids right??
This is for young kids right??
added by Rockarboom
added by Rockarboom
added by Rockarboom
added by Rockarboom
added by Rockarboom