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Holes What Have You?

81 fans picked:
watched the film and read the book
watched the film
read the book
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miss_little picked watched the film and read the book:
I have read the book and watch the film-more than once because I had to do it for a english essay!
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testcamp picked watched the film and read the book:
i have both
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wwekid230 picked watched the film and read the book:
Check out my profile! GO HOLES!!!!
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Tay_27 picked watched the film and read the book:
the movie is really good but the book just ties it all together and if you check out my profile holes is my favorouite book
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J-C picked watched the film and read the book:
both are very good
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Will_NolanLover picked watched the film and read the book:
I had 2 read the book 4 school
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Daseyshipper picked watched the film and read the book:
i have the book and i had to read it for a book report. iremeber that i had read it in 4th grade but i didn't remeber reading it. it's complicated
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x--lientje picked watched the film and read the book:
I have to read the book for my english essay!!
I tought it was a boring book but now i've seen the movie.. i changed my mind!!
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TDIlover226 picked watched the film and read the book:
I had heard of the movie first. but I read the book, then I desided I would watch the movie too
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crazyduds2 picked watched the film and read the book:
I saw the movie, but I didn't really understand it, so I read the book.
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green79 picked watched the film and read the book:
theyre both awesome
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ClonedPickle picked watched the film and read the book:
Watched the film first, then read the book. It was a good novel. :)
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mat29cool picked watched the film and read the book:
I have done both a lot
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Dsunshine picked watched the film:
The movie was GR8!!
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EalasaidWooster picked watched the film and read the book:
Both, but not for a while.
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s-jb123 picked watched the film and read the book:
i love them both, they are sooo gooodd!!!
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LilyLil1809 picked read the book:
I need to see the movie.
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glelsey picked watched the film and read the book:
Read the book first - had to for a school essay. Loved it, was probably the most fun English lit project I'd ever had! XD

Then I saw the film 5 years later. I think I had a fairly clear memory of the book still by then, and was impressed by how close the film stuck to the story. (as not all films based on books do that - some end up changing the storyline! But Holes was good as both a book and a movie.)
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My8thUsername picked watched the film and read the book:
I watched the film when I was about five or six...
Then I read the book for a school project...
Then we watched the film in school...
And I've read and watched it countless times since then.
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adieee picked watched the film and read the book:
I had to read the book and watch the movie for an English assignment in year 8, I swear I was the only person in my class who actually liked them....just goes to show how many people don't have good taste
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