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Chapter 13:

After the gang got settled with their Dragons, it was finally time to start practice. Felicia looked at Hiccup with a soft tone, she felt bad that she kept interfering with his practices, it wasn’t like she asked for him to be with her 24/7 ,but he always offered to take her for Болталка rides on toothless. She didn’t mind this of course but she knew people were getting annoyed.

She glanced over at toothless who was purring like a cat as Hiccup stocked him behind the ears. Toothless was absolutely an amazing dragon, she never met a dragon quite like him, actually she never met...
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Chapter 18:

Off the shores not far,from Berk. It was a saturday night Felicia tugged on her cotton shorts then she adjusted her рубашка once Toothless, empowered landed on the earth.Felicia blushed furiously her first conscious thought, was being nailed down no. "Nailed inside." What happens if the night of her life came to a wrong turn and something turned out to be a desaster. Astonished and shaken she clawed at the memory she begged, to be let out. Felicia gasped as if coming up from a lenghy and punishing to say under water.At the same time her eyes flew open."Felicia what is it?" Hiccup asked...
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posted by BlondLionEzel
Episode 1


Hiccup: *Flying on Toothless and enjoying the view*

Astrid: *Riding on Stormfly*

*A portal opens*

Wolfe Jetray: *Jumps out as Jetray*

Hiccup: What the heck is that thing?

Astrid: A dragon?

Wolfe Jetray: *Lands*

*Another portal opens*

Gaoh: *A copper-colored armored warrior with a V shaped green eye* It seems Ты have made it here too, Wolfe.

Wolfe Jetray: Gaoh, don't drag another dimension into this conflict.

Gaoh: *Draws sword and lunges at Wolfe Jetray*

Wolfe Jetray: *Changes to Shocksquatch*

Wolfe Shocksquatch: Shocksquatch! *Dodges, grabs onto Gaoh, and then shocks him with 1,000 volts*...
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I have to 20:06 done, please Сообщить any errors If Ты see them. Enjoy! Contains tracks, and different voices on separate lines. Hopefully ill finish this one:
*Track: This is Berk*
*Narrorator (Hiccup)* This, is berk. Its twelve days north of hopeless, and a few degrees south of freezing to death. Its located solidly on the miridian of misery. My village, in a word, sturdy, And its been here for seven gereations, but every single building is new. We have fishing, hunting, and a charming view of the sunsets. The only problems are the pests. Ты see most places have mice, или mosqitoes, we have...
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Chapter 14:

Pacing back and forth with his hands behind his back Pitch was losing his paitences with his friends.No nightmare would step up and foliter to the village of Berk. The reason for that is the nightmare are usaually well mostly, not afraid to go and do orders for thier leader. But for the nightmares? This misson was to much for them for one the nightmares were worried that they would not find their way back home. Meaning that for a fact is the nightmares don't know exaccualy where Berk is?

Mummbleing underneath his breath knowing that Jack Frost was in Berk, Pitch wants Jack to stay...
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Chapter 11 :
Hiccup dragged Felicia into the nearby shed. He was so worried about Beth that he had completely forgotten about Показ Toothless to Felicia. He creeked open the shed doors and walked inside. Felicia hesitated at first.

“There’s nothing scary in here, I promise.” Hiccup reassured.

Felicia smiled at him and followed him into the shed, there hands brushing up against one another. Hiccup looked back at her and saw her smiling at him, he blushed looking away. This girl had a certain glow about her that made him get гусь bumps all over himself. He bent down, got a stick and...
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posted by PurpleDragon02
Chapter 1

This is New Berk. Sure, it’s not your average Viking village. But then again, we’re not your average Vikings. We’re not raiders, plunderers, или barbarians. We’re a peaceful people and there are some children among us who have known nothing but peace their whole lives. That wasn’t the case ten years ago. Back then, things were different. Back then we had…dragons. But in order to protect them, we had to let them go. And not a день goes by that we don’t miss them.

The sky was cloudy, sunny, with barely any wind Perfect flying weather. But first there was a battle to finish....
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Chapter five:

Felicia finally opened her eyes to an empty room. She jumped up, where was she? She looked around; it looked like she was in some kind of cabin. The walls were made out of wood and Felicia could smell the fresh pinecone scent that was trailing the room. It smelled like the outdoors. She started shaking, not knowing where she was или how she got here. She shivered but refused to put the blankets over her, she just stayed sitting down, scared to move.

She then heard squeaking coming from the nearby stairway. She pulled up the blankets over her face; afraid of whom she would see. Beth...
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Chapter 20:

“I wish I knew what was going through his mind.”

Felicia was just walking through the forest with a heavy сердце and too much thoughts running through her head. She was still very overwhelmed of what had happened on her and Hiccup’s date. She really wasn’t a girl too just give her body up like that, and defiantly didn’t have sex on the first date. She had developed a strong connection with Hiccup and felt the connection the moment they met, but she still felt like they had moved a bit fast. It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy it. The thought of it made her cheeks burn, a...
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posted by BlondLionEzel
Episode 2


Wolfe: *Changes to Spidermonkey*

Wolfe Spidermonkey: Spidermonkey!

Heather: It does look like a пересекать, крест between a monkey and a spider...

Wolfe Spidermonkey: *Changes to Clockwork*

Wolfe Clockwork: Clockwork!

Heather: Now that is in interesting one...

Snoutlout: *Runs to them, gasping for air*

Wolfe Clockwork: *Changes back to Wolfe*

Wolfe: What's wrong?

Snoutlout: Gaoh is attacking the village!

Wolfe: Heather, stay here! *Changes to XLR8*

Wolfe XLR8: XLR8! *Runs to the village using super speed*

Gaoh: *Destroying buildings* This is fun.

Wolfe XLR8: *Changes to Kickin' Hawk*

Wolfe Kickin' Hawk:...
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Chapter 4:

In berk there was a littel episode that is accuring in the small village. Hiccup was worried about the young girl that he found, her washed up on the beach. She was cold and so skinny Ты could see her bones. In order for to be pertected from the cold of the wind Hiccup placed his vest over her. Her eyes were still closed from the impacted that she had been through.

Beth rushed over to Hiccup and the young girl.


Beth pauses for a moment when the girl caught her eye, Beth slowly walked over to him as Snotlout watched her.

" Hiccup who is that?"

Beth's brother shivered and shocked...
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 Comic book cover 1
Comic book cover 1
Over the past week some of the comic book Обои for the new Riders of Berk comics (Issue 1 coming out Dec. 12th 2012) were released to the public. Issue 1 will be a 14 page story called "The Two Thousand Terrible Terrors" and will cost 3.99 each. They are сказал(-а) to be, "nicely integrated with the show".
"Buckle up for a high-flying adventure as the cast of DreamWorks Animation's blockbuster film How To Train Your Dragon soars into comic stores, just in time for the hit Анимация series on Cartoon Network! In this amazing first issue, a dragon fued erupts when Toothless acidentally swallows...
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Chapter Three: огонь Pit
Hiccup and her fellow dragon Влюбленные landed at the cove. They ran past the old shield Hiccup’s father left years ago, leaving their confused Драконы behind.
“Lottie!” Hiccup cried. Luckily, the town was empty. Dusk was approaching, and the children’s parents had probably begun preparing ужин или something.
“What?” Lottie had just gotten out of Corin’s when she heard her friend calling for her.
“Come on!” Nell grabbed Lottie’s wrist and they all went to the огонь pit.
“So…” Lottie summed up. Hiccup, Nell and Mot had just finished telling her about...
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Chapter 3:

Jack felt free as can be as he flew through the frosty wind. It was a rather cold night but Jack was of course used to this kind of weather. He chuckled, going faster into the sky. He did a few twirls and shouts, enjoying the scenery and pumped to start his shift.

He landed over at a nearby town in Canada. This town he was very familiar with. He always came to this town first before his other duties. In this town there were a lot of problems. The children weren’t treated very fairly by adults или their peers and Jack wanted to change that somehow. He crept in closer to a nearby park...
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Chapter One: This is Berk
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the IV jumped out of her bed. She didn’t need her pet dragon, Toothless II, to awaken her. Hiccup got into her normal winter clothes: her father’s old tunic (which she wore like a dress), her mom’s old leggings, a pair of her mother’s old belts and the signature ожерелье Hiccup’s father, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, made for her back on her third birthday. It was a simple chain with a charm portraying what was supposed to be Toothless I but is known as Toothless II.
It was Hiccup IV’s fifteenth birthday. She slipped on the boots...
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HTTYD Фан Fiction: 2nd Generation Berk
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock IV: Named after her father, Hiccup is the daughter of Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III and his wife, Astrid. She inherited her father’s creativity and inventive mind, her mother’s stubbornness, and her grandfather’s attention span.
Nell Ingerman: The daughter of Ruffnut and Fishlegs Ingerman, Nell has the troublemaking spirit of her mother and uncle, the nerdiness of her father and a restless soul from, well, herself.
Lottie Jorgenson: Lottie, unlike the others, is nothing like her currently alive parent, Snotlout. She...
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Эй, guys! This is a fanfic I'm doing with my friend Beth. Its sort of mixed with How to Train Your Dragon/Rise of the Guardians. Enjoy :]

“Here in berk, whenever we get a taste of something new we tend to go way overboard.”

Chapter 1:

It was a beautiful morning in berk. The sun was just arising in the sky and the villagers were starting to peep out of their shacks. Hiccup stretched and yawned, almost falling off of the bed. He looked over at the clock, it was still really early. Hiccup usually always was up at the crack of dawn so this didn’t bother him much. He crept out of his постель, кровати and...
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Vidar (god of the forest) walked down the golden corridors of the Plaice of Asgard, for some reason his farther, Odin (the All-farther) had called for him, Vidar was wearing his green shirt, black trousers, black boots, armoured shoulder plates on his left shoulder and gauntlets around both his wrists and whist he had the physical appearance of a 17 год old boy, he was really over 1000.
When he reached the Thrown Room, he saw that Odin, Thor (god of lightning) and Frigg (goddess of marriage, wife of Odin) were already there so he ran the the thrown where his farther sat and fell to one...
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Chapter 2

Hiccup along with his Друзья had went down to the пляж, пляжный were they had heard that a young lady, had washed up a shore. Toothless had landed on берег with Astrid and the others close behind. Hiccup bounced off Toothless and scanned the area. He slowly walked around a edge, At that same moment his eyes spotted a body laying ten fet from him.

"Astrid! Эй, gies over here hurry I found her!
With in moment the gang rushed over to her side sea weed covered her but with respected Hiccup. Brushed it off her to Показать what she looked like. The young lady had deep beautiful breath taking brown...
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Chapter Two: Greener Death?
Suddenly, a looming figure zoomed past them. The thing was dragon-looking, ferocious and green.
“Another Green Death?” Nell asked Hiccup, her fellow expert on dragons
“Looks like it.” Hiccup told her friend. Together, the three Viking teenagers raced to see what the thing was.
“Guys?” Mot yelled. All three of their Драконы were flying at godspeed, so it was difficult to hear.
“What, Mot?” Hiccup yelled in return.
“I have a bad feeling about this,” Mot told his friends, “maybe we should go back?”
“No way!” Nell told her cousin, “We should see...
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