John Rhys-Davies Links
The celebrity portal -! A page of all John and his works. Can't miss it, a great site with tons of detailed information.
1 fan has exclusive information on John Phys-Davies' work in the Lord of the Rings. He's just a little dwarf in this film, though in person, he's 6'1!
1 fan
As сказал(-а) on the Описание of the link - John Rhys-Davies Actor Профиль - Фан Club, Pictures & Posters, News, Video Clips & Layouts.
1 fan
Wikipedia is the ultimate Источник of knowledge on nearly every subject. This link provides a detailed biography of John's life and works.
1 fan
The Internet Movie Database is one of the best resources out there. This link includes a biography, filmography and so much more!
1 fan
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