When is Jordan's birthday? How old is he?

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Jordan Jansen Ответы

shannonward14 said:
12 march 1998 age 14
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calypso23 said:
Jordan Jansen's birthday is March 12,1998 and he is 12 years old
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posted Больше года 
Hes 14 crazy people!!! i follow him on keek! it says so on his Профиль
MuffinBear posted Больше года
Look at wat time this was posted! 2 YEARS AGO!!!! Thats why they сказал(-а) he was 12! BECAUSE HE WAS 2 YEARS AGO!!!!
CodySimpsGirl posted Больше года
Bella143 said:
March 12th, 1998 he is 13!!!!
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Awesomealllstar said:
march 12th,1998
n hes 13 cuz im born in 1998 n hes a месяц b4 me so hes 13
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sitisapphire said:
12 March 1998, now on 2012 he is 14
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kkanastan said:
March 12,1998 and he is 12 years old
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 March 12,1998 and he is 12 years old
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leslie90099 said:
i Любовь him and i gess its june 20
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 i Любовь him and i gess its june 20
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no its march 12th
krazykatkendra posted Больше года
jbsbaby123 said:
Well i dint know his birthday but i know he is 14 years old
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nonnash2 said:
if he is really 12 13 или 14 hes perfect for me i think im in Любовь he is so cute and hes around my age yay i wanna marry him
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coolsisters45 said:
march 12 1998 14
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superstar240 said:
may 16 ,1989
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No ur so wrong
shakyra9812 posted Больше года
jordanluver165 said:
His birthday is march 12 and he is 14
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krazykatkendra said:
his birthday is march 12 1998 and he is 14
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R053 said:
he's birthday is march 12 1998 and he is 14 years old.
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MuffinBear said:
March 12 1998 14 years old.
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CodySimpsGirl said:
His birthday is March 12, 1998 and he is 14 years old (written in 2012)
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shakyra9812 said:
Jordan Jansen was born on March 12th 1998.He is now 14 years old.
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crg669 said:
he is born on March the 12th 1998!!
that means he is 15 this год :)
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breanna150 said:
Jordan's is 15 and his birthday isMarch 12

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Heritage112 said:
His birthday is on the 12th of March. He is 15 this year, so he was born in 1998. he is from Australia (Like me!!!!)
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Pandazombie said:
He is 15, gonna be 16 on March 12
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rebekahhall99 said:
March 12th 1998 he will be 16
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 March 12th 1998 he will be 16
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