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posted by just_bella
Alice's turn!!!

End of Chapter 24
***Rosalie's POV***

"It...." I сказал(-а) as I shook my head. "Hmmmm well, it was like being stuck in a room with no window's. There would be a light...it would shine for a few seconds, and during those few секунды I could hear all of you, I could feel Ты touching me." I сказал(-а) as I looked into Emmett's eyes.

"The Далее moment though, the light would go out and I would hear people или things calling my name, offering me a way out of it all. They would call to me, tell me that it would just have to give in, that they could end this..make it better." I сказал(-а) as I looked up...
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Sorry about that^^ but I guess my little apology wasn't long enough :)
How are you??
Just wanted to write and say that I am back, I'm sorry I was gone for so long...I could come up with LOTS of excuses but I'm just gonna say writers block. It was getting super hard to keep so many stories going at one time..so I'm just gonna say I'm sorry and that I promise I am gonna do everything I can to get back to Письмо еще often :)
Thanks to all of Ты who've stuck around

lots of luv

added by twihard203
Source: mia444
added by sini12
Source: sini
posted by just_bella
Sorry it's been so long, I have no excuse...so here we go.

End if Chapter 20

"She didn't want me." I сказал(-а) bitterly to Edward as I glared at him.

"She was scared, she didn't know what was going on." He сказал(-а) as he stepped closer, his voice rising in anger.

"AND I DID!?" I yelled as I pushed at Edward's chest. "Everyone is thinking about how horrible this was for Rosalie and Alice...it was not enjoyable for Emmett and I."

"Jasper." Edward сказал(-а) as he picked the thoughts out of my head.

"I thought I Остаться в живых her, I thought my one true Любовь was gone. My reason to go on was gone..then she woke up, and didn't...
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added by twihard203
posted by just_bella
hmmm not sure what to say...so here's the Далее chapter :)

End of Chapter 7

"Will Ты come back to check on Piper?" I asked as I watched her.

"Yes dear, we will be back tomorrow." She сказал(-а) as she rubbed Piper down one еще time and turned to walk out of the barn.

"I'm sorry I didn't get your name." I сказал(-а) as I smiled.

"My name is Maxine, most people call me Max." She сказал(-а) as walked over and hugged me. "It was very nice to meet you."

"You as well, and thank Ты for helping my Piper." I сказал(-а) as I hugged her back.

"Alright, let's go." She сказал(-а) as she looked down at the ground.

I was seriously beginning...
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posted by just_bella
Emmett...ahhhhhh Emmett :)
Let's see what happens with Tanya LOL!!!
<3 j_b

End of Part 61

I walked over to the closet and picked a light розовый dress out handing to her as she held a hand out of the bathroom. "Thank you." She сказал(-а) as she closed the door, reopening it a минута later. She looked so amazing that I felt my jaw drop open a little.

"I Любовь that look on your face." She сказал(-а) as she walked up to me, Поцелуи my chin.

"Sorry, I can not get use to how beautiful Ты are." I сказал(-а) as I leaned down, Поцелуи her as I wrapped my arms around her.

She kissed me for a минута before she pulled back,...
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added by just_bella
added by sini12
Source: sini
added by sini12
Source: sini
added by sini12
Source: sini
added by twihard203
added by just_bella
posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 42
***Edward's POV***

"Edward." Carlisle's voice called, getting me to turn my attention to him. I had done my best to block out his thoughts but once he called my name I lowered them slowly.

"Edward," His voice sighed through my head. "Edward Ты need to know this story, it is one I haven't told to anyone before. I hope that in the story Ты find some spark, some small mistake that they made that could help us get out of this situation. Please Edward listen, do not say a word..just nod if Ты agree."

I nodded slightly as I looked into his eyes, closing my eyes as he began his story...
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posted by just_bella
End of Chapter 28

"Let me bank the fire." He сказал(-а) as he went to move, but my arms went down on either side, not letting him move.

"Nope, I'm good." I сказал(-а) as I laughed and got comfortable against his chest.

"Me too," He сказал(-а) as he hugged me against him. "Do Ты want to talk about it?" He asked as he yawned, doing his best to cover it and look cool.

"Could we talk about it tomorrow?" I asked as I closed my eyes and focused on his сердце beat, which instantly made me tired again.

"Of course." He sighed as he kissed the вверх of my head.

"Michael?" I сказал(-а) as I yawned.


"Thank You."

"Anytime." He said...
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added by twihard203
added by twihard203
added by twihard203
added by twihard203