King Mickey Club
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added by CodeLyoko67
 Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
A lone carriage skidded and bumped along a winding, dirt path. Nothing much was to be seen through the windows because of the ever-falling rain - pounding against the sides. Lightning illuminated the sky here and there, and afterwards, a booming clap of thunder would sound throughout the sky.
"Some may think the rain is a sign of bad fortune, but I think it's a blessing," The King said, smiling at his wife comfortingly. The Queen nodded and placed her hands in her lap, "I know it is a blessing. But, that doesn't mean it isn't frightening."
The King, with a concerned glance, patted her, "Don't...
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posted by ILoveKingMickey
As seen in Part 8...

The King was getting weaker and weaker. It felt as though weights were being added by tens to his remaining strength. He could hear Minnie crying in the distance and he wished that he could comfort her one last time.
Axel and the rest watched in fascination. Larxene was smiling and evily enjoyed his pain. Everyone wanted to see the King make his final step into nothingness.
Eventually, Mickey's eyes closed. He gave a final shudder and then went still. Xemnas laughed, low and triumphant. The Organization howled with happiness. The end had finally come... The King has fallen......
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added by ILoveKingMickey
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posted by ILoveKingMickey
As seen in Part 3...

Minnie was startled and jumped at the sound of his voice. Axel took out his weapon of flames and struck Minnie several times, knocking her flat. He turned her over and let loose a gasp of shock, "The Queen?!?! What do Ты think you're doing here?!?!" The Queen struggled helplessly as she was pulled upright. Axel murmurred under his breath, "Excellent...huhuh."

. . .

Sora, Donald, and Goofy had been wandering the many corridors of the замок for a long time now, while each of them became еще and еще anxious.
"Where do Ты think the cells are, Goofy?"
"I have no idea..."...
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posted by ILoveKingMickey
King Mickey was walking in the realm of darkness, destroying every dusk and shadow that slithered in his path. When suddenly, Organization 13 surrounded King Mickey. Axel said, "Walking in the realm of darkness alone? Kinda, dangerous, isn't it? I mean guys like us could pop up anywhere, and then what, your Majesty?" The King didn't reply, instead he summoned his keyblade and expected trouble.
"Demyx," Axel said, "what strategy do Ты suppose we should use?" Demyx whined, "Why did Ты have to call on me? Ты know I don't like violence!" Axel replied, "Exactly. Anyway, your Majesty, we were sent...
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 What the Atmosphere Looked Like
What the Atmosphere Looked Like
As seen in part 9...

With a yell, Mickey turned and threw his keyblade directly at the Reclaimer... containing his heart... With a mighty boom, the Reclaimer exploded. Mickey turned towards Sora with his last ounce of strength. Through foggy eyes as the explosion erupted behind him and he started to disintegrate, he said, "Goodbye, Sora..."

. . .

Sora reached out towards the King, "No!" But, to his utter astonishment, the King disappeared completely and all was quiet. Looking around, Sora didn't know what had become of Axel and Xemnas. A little off balance, Sora stood up, shakily, and then ran...
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added by khfan12
Source: Deviantart
posted by ILoveKingMickey
 King Mickey
King Mickey
As seen in Part 2...

"Oh no... We don't have time for you! MOVE!!" Sora cried. Hundreds of heartless creeped and crawled from every direction towards the hidden light of the dark alley. The Queen paced quickly towards Sora with the others right behind her, "What?! What is it Sora...?"
"Whaaaaaghhhh!" Donald complained, "We're never going to get through this!" Sora looked over to the Queen who had a peculiar expression on her face, "What's up your Majesty? If Ты have an idea, I'm all for suggestions." The Queen looked up. "I think I know how to clean up this mess, but it's going to take a lot...
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added by Bond_Of_Fury
Source: AuraHACK
added by ILoveKingMickey
Dear Wayne, I do Mickey myself too, and everyone says I'm pretty good at it, but Ты will always remain the best. Cheers to Ты and your family, Wayne, Mickey Mouse. -ILoveKingMickey
added by ILoveKingMickey
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posted by ILoveKingMickey
 World That Never Was замок
World That Never Was Castle
As seen in Part 7...

Rain pattered against the windows as the thunder roared like a madbeast caught in the gale. Lightning could be seen, like as if it was the claws of that madbeast - raking itself against the walls of the замок - seeking entry. Mickey gritted his teeth and glared at Axel - Axel, the one who had struck and captured his wife. Mickey summoned his keyblade and leapt toward Axel.
Sora and Riku let out a yell and charged forward. The fight was on!

Axel deflected Mickey's keyblade as it came whipping by overhead. Mickey's eyes flashed in the heat of the battle as Sora and Riku rushed...
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posted by ILoveKingMickey
As Seen In Part 4...

“So much thinking to do,” Xemnas mumbled, with one hand on his forehead, “Hmm.” He turned and strode down the stairs, unobtrusively. As he turned the corner, there was another flight of stairs that led to a bigger chamber. There, illuminated in the moonlight, was his answer.


He gazed in awe and wonder at a majestic machine, "How could I have not thought of this before," he questioned himself. It was a perfectly designed machine, majestic and powerful. Built with a chamber as if to hold something, it was yellow and purple, with a tip that looked as deadly as ever...
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added by Bond_Of_Fury
added by King_Mickey
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added by ILoveKingMickey
Rest in Peace Wayne, we Любовь Ты so much!
added by Bond_Of_Fury
This has to be one of my favs!
posted by Bond_Of_Fury
One morning, Donald went to the трон room of Дисней замок to greet the King. King Mickey wasn't on his throne. Donald only found a letter which сказал(-а) that he and Goofy must find the Key Bearer. So the two set out to find him. But they don't only aim for Sora, who happens to be the Key Bearer, but they also for the king himself, who went from world to world to put a stop on the evil Heartless.

Like Sora, King Mickey also wears wields the Kingdom Key, only in inverted color.

--1928, пароход Willie--

Disney's first cartoon. Mickey firs appeared here together with his nemesis, Pete(King Mickey...
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