Kuchiki Byakuya Club
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Ryuuken Ishada sat smoking on the roof вверх of his hospital. When a limo came and parked in front of the emergency door. Ishada crushed the cigerett beneath his feet in disgust at such arrogance. Two men came out of the limo, Ryuuken sniffed slightly and plugged his nose immediately. Damn his sensitive senses, death clung to them in a way he usually didn't experience. He thought of his bow, just one pull and it would all be over. At least the smell would be. Ryuuken shook himself and hurried to take care of the nuisance. As he came from the elevator the one in shades said."You the boss around...
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added by MusicMaker95
Source: artists on deviantArt
KaraKura town outside Ichigo's house/clinic.

Chad and Uryu looked up at Ichigo's window. "His window's open." Chad said. Uryu pressed his lips together for a moment caught in indecision. The год had not been a happy one for any of them, unlike him there had been no way back for Ichigo. "Fine lets go in. Just lets not talk about the past или our abilities." They walked up the flight of stairs and got the shock of their lives as Ichigo was in soul reaper gear while a blonde haired kid was wearing Ichigo's running suit. Wolfing down Kon's oatmeal. "Ah....Hi?" Chad сказал(-а) announcing them as the door...
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Jamie sat on Ichigo's постель, кровати looking up at the sky with the lights off curtain's pulled except for the slice that she was looking through. So it wasn't much, but enough for her. Ichigo was put on the диван, мягкий уголок in the living room even though she protested. Yuzu knocked lightly on the door. When she didn't respond Yuzu hesitated and then swallowed before entering into the room. "Are Ты sleeping?" Jamie snorted and turned. "Sorry. I can go." Jamie shook her head. "No I'm sorry. I'm in a rotten mood, but come sit tell me about your life here. Are Ты happy?" Yuzu went to sit on her brother's постель, кровати and...
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added by usernameinvalid
added by LidiaIsabel
Orihemia felt herself melting back in her mind as her mark warmed. Unohana sensing the change backed away slowly to observe. Orihemia watched her hands and heard her new voice as a member of the audience of one. "No water earth air Космос или time may stop me from my desires, open all to me for the one I call mother and her mate." Her hands pushed as if to open a door way and then through the Космос and snagged the object of her desires. Byakuya found himself in Unohana's room with Orihemia standing back her eyes locking onto his and for a moment were not hers but another's. "Do not touch her....
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In the high deserts of the arabian Jamie felt the sun try as it could to burn her pale moon light skin as she practiced her deadly skills before the hunt would begin. Yet she felt a shift in mood in the air and sand as if in anticipation, it put her on edge еще than usual. Perhaps she should go visit her old friend. It wasn't but a half a days ride on horse back....she shook her head she was getting to paranoid over nothing. It had been over a год since she'd been out on the field. Jitters. Mac and Cleo were also making sure that the other half of their story fit the bill. From diggers permits...
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added by Narusasu4EVER
Voro kissed his ladies hand." You're healing very well in a couple of days we can take a morning stroll to view our new empire. Ты will Любовь me, I know Ты will Любовь me....if Ты don't I will take it out not on you, no I will hunt down and destroy your so called family. I will make it my mission to do so. Ты do understand, I can't let Ты go. I Любовь Ты to much to let Ты go." P.B. swallowed uncomfortably against his promises. There was one thing that Voro did well and that was keeping his promises.
" Rest I will have the good doctor come in and feed Ты and put some еще of that smelly ointment...
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added by usernameinvalid
added by Fitch
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by usernameinvalid
Marz breathed in deeply the sweet scent of the polished wood map таблица in Shauni's Captain's cabin. Opening his eyes he looked around the reconstructed room with no small amount of pride. It had taken over a century to collect what was left of Draco's Hoard. Crazy woman, had gone around the Horn, probably on purpose as she'd evacuated everyone before attempting it. He sighed. Marz loved her deeply, as much as he could feel Любовь for another woman. He hoped rebuilding her ship would grant him even a very small hope of his Любовь being reciprocated. "Marz?" Abel сказал(-а) invading his день dream. Marz...
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added by BLW
Source: Not Mine
added by BLW
Source: Not Mine
added by michellepotter
Fun Day:
Jamie sighed as the bus finally came to the stop. 2 whole hours stuck on the bus with Mr. Tight Butt. It wasn't like she'd been in trouble of getting killed, sure she got a few bruises from the bastard but that was all. She definitely didn't need him going a little too cold for her liking when confronting the mugger. Now she couldn't get rid of him, she had to put the whammy on him soon so he'd leave her alone before shit got real. Now he was sitting Далее to her, eyes closed but make no Кости about it if she moved to even breath he'd pop those suckers open and put her out again....the...
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Jamie sighed and stretched as she walked Главная with Ichigo.
"Why did Ты push me away? Why haven't Ты let me near you? I'm stronger than Ты think." Jamie put her hands in her pockets and looked at her feet as she plodded Далее to him. He was about to haul her into an alley and make her tell him when she answered. "Do Ты know how many people I've had to watch die? I'm over 3000 years old Ichigo, forever stuck undying. Forever never getting older then 16. 16....I marched in numerous wars killed countless for beliefs at times I couldn't make heads или tails of. Laid on battlefields crushed by horses,...
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