If some of Ты actually come across my stories and start to read them Ты will notice some do not have any real connection to the continuing story. As I have learned in the past. Pen and pencil tend to fade away on paper или anything else Ты write on. So I come here and write it on a screen and send it out as a pop fly into the audience instead of a Главная run.. Don't know if I'll use them или trash them, I just want to make sure if I burn out and leave the story for awhile I have some record of it somewhere I can still read it. I have tons of paper at Главная in 20 gallon totes at least 2 или еще and 5 years in and can no longer read due to the fading. So I hope Ты thoroughly enjoy my scribbles in case I end up having a bad case of multiple personalities due to the people I have living inside my poor drooling brain. Probably why I have terrible spelling and punctuation at times. At least I think I do. Never did get higher then a C average in English.