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Kudo Shinichi Фан Club Which things Ты like about shinichi?

57 fans picked:
everything about shinichi is cool!!!!
everything about shinichi is cool!!!!
(added by theanimemaster)
He's very very SMART
He's cool and like a real man
He's handsome
Everything (even the part where he cant sing)
(added by lastsolace)
the part where he's like a little kid
(added by 14124869)
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 LO_shinXran_VE posted Больше года
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everyt- hing about shinichi is...
LO_shinXran_VE picked everything about shinichi is cool!!!!:
i make this question
and find it hard to choose...lol
posted Больше года.
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dithaire-chan picked He's cool and like a real man:
yeah, so hard to choose,
but thanks for u'r nice question ^^
posted Больше года.
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everyt- hing about shinichi is...
LO_shinXran_VE picked everything about shinichi is cool!!!!:
you welcome,
but i wonder who choose He's very very SMART
and didn't comment<<<hahahahahah
posted Больше года.
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everyt- hing about shinichi is...
LO_shinXran_VE picked everything about shinichi is cool!!!!:
you welcome,
BUT i wonder who choose "He's very very SMART" and didn't comment<<<hahahahahahah
posted Больше года.
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everyt- hing about shinichi is...
Kokuha picked everything about shinichi is cool!!!!:
everything's so cool
posted Больше года.
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everyt- hing about shinichi is...
shinichi123 picked everything about shinichi is cool!!!!:
yeah but i changed my answer to this.
posted Больше года.
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everyt- hing about shinichi is...
skipperfan5431 picked everything about shinichi is cool!!!!:
posted Больше года.
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everyt- hing about shinichi is...
LO_shinXran_VE picked everything about shinichi is cool!!!!:
lol thanx for "theanimemaster" whho mad "EVERYTHING" Choice XD
i was afraid to put it cuz i knew ppl will choose it only XDhaha
posted Больше года.
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AnnaNKid9999 picked He's handsome:
It is do choose to decide to i pick a number and it gets that answer at least it is not "nothing"
posted Больше года.
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lilise69 picked He's handsome:
posted Больше года.