Leah Clearwater Club
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added by Greeneiris
added by hettycool
added by Twolf5
added by sodapop101
added by xxshannen1xx
Source: bauergriffin
added by aulisce
 janae armogan as leah clearwater
janae armogan as leah clearwater
A hand full of Фаны have come together to put this group out in the open to help support Actress JaNae Armogan in getting a role in Stephenie Meyer novel’s “Eclipse and Breaking Dawn”, in Последнее readings JaNae has сказал(-а) “trying to get in contact with Ms Meyer personally is almost Далее to impossible but I’m the type of person that believes there’s always another way.” That is where we the Фаны come in. We have put together this petition and are passing it around in hopes that other people as well as her Фаны can help get the attention as well as the exposure she needs to get this...
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added by ooviet_tdoo
added by xxshannen1xx
Source: popsugar
added by twilightdreams
Source: Sara Tomko?
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by xxshannen1xx
Source: popsugar
added by xxshannen1xx
Source: popsugar
added by sodapop101
added by sodapop101
added by nessie-eska
Source: http://wolfpackteam.tumblr.com/
added by nessie-eska
Source: http://wolfpackteam.tumblr.com/
added by DefineDelicate
Source: Me