So I have quit MoshiMonsters for a while now and I've been finding codes all over my room so Ты guys can have them, here Ты go!:
Katzuma- is based on a cat of some sort
Luvli- is based on a flying вишня with wings
Furi-is based on a big brown monster
Poppet-is based on a cute розовый monster with blue boots
Zommer- is based on a blue and purple zombie
Hope my guide is useful as my other guides too!
I hope Ты think that's she's pawsome too!
money back but not your monster :( not cool.
my old monster aslo did this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(filling up room)
Then he saw a розовый moshi monster that looks like a guinea pig.
Katsuma:Hi my name is Katsuma.
The розовый moshi monster:Hi my name is Poppet.
Katsuma:Wanna go to an arcade?
When they were done playing at the arcade both of them went to the movie theater to watch Zootopia.
Poppet:That лиса, фокс was really sneaky and smart enough to trick anybody.
Katsuma:I know right?!
Poppet:It was really fun being with you. I'll see Ты later
Katsuma. Bye!
Katsuma:Bye Poppet!
When it was night Poppet was asleep but then she was captured by an evil person named Dr. Strange перчатка, перчатки and his assistant named Fishlips.Will Poppet be rescued.
To be continued..................
My Little пони = My Little Mutant
Care Bears = Scare Bears
Tyra Banks = Tyra Fangs
Ikea = Yukea
And to make it all better, it's completely FREE unless Ты won't a Moshi Membership!
That's all for now! Add me @ Tinkalila on Moshi!