Mythology Club
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posted by dramadoll
According to ancient Greek mythology, Pandora was the first woman, created on Zeus’ orders as a punishment for mankind. Her “box” (actually a sort of jar) contained many evil things, such as toil, illness and despair, but it also contained Hope. When the jar was opened, these evils as well as Hope were released into the world.

In the early days of the Olympian Gods, Zeus, Lord of the Gods, jealously guarded his secrets. He had ordered his cousins, the Titans Epimetheus and Prometheus, to bring gifts to all of the Животные on Earth. When he got to Man, Epimetheus found he had nothing left....
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posted by Idunn
Ты shall never brag about how clever Ты are.

If Ты are wise and silent, nothing bad are going to happen to you.

The word to a man that never shut up often goes wrong.

Say what Ты need или shut up.

If Ты dont say anything, nobody will notice that Ты are stupid.

When a fool are a guest, he sitting and gaping and mumbles stupid things, but when he get his first drink, he start talking.

Be careful with drinking, the еще Ты drink, Ты have less sense in your head.

You can easily get tired of your dear guest if he forget to leave.

Nobody will call Ты stupid if Ты want to get to постель, кровати early.

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