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mjthevath сказал(-а) …
I'm not the biggest Фан Jenny Sheperd. I like Gibbs and the doc a bunch:) they were engaged and then married in Freaky Friday too:) Опубликовано Больше года
Chaann94 сказал(-а) …
Shipping confession!
When people ask me who I ship;
I say; "TIVA!"
I think; "some shipping 99% of the people would consider taboo... XD" Опубликовано Больше года
codecracker3 сказал(-а) …
I know theres alot of Ziva, Tony shippers. But I personally like Kate (before she dies...so sad!) with Tony. Does anyone else agree? Опубликовано Больше года
lottieee30 прокомментировал(-а)…
i did yess, but then after she died i thought there is no one in this world that can come into Tony's life now and turn it around, but that was before Ziva waltzed in and completely changed it!!! =D Больше года
codecracker3 прокомментировал(-а)…
Oh. I'm getting close to the episode when she dies...so I guess I'll decide. Больше года
ninjasnow прокомментировал(-а)…
I don't romantically ship Kate and Tony, but I LOVED their brother/sister-like relationship Больше года
emma07891 сказал(-а) …
plzz vote for ziva....she is losing vote now!!!
link Опубликовано Больше года
Rimasters сказал(-а) …
Vote for Tony and Ziva as the most dynamic duo.

link Опубликовано Больше года
killa-twinky сказал(-а) …
Tiva all the way Опубликовано Больше года
tonyziva1234 прокомментировал(-а)…
;) <3 Больше года
big smile
Lie_to_Me_123 сказал(-а) …
Jimmy and Breena's Wedding - Spring 2012!

LET THE COUNTDOWN BEGIN! Опубликовано Больше года
TivaParaSiempre прокомментировал(-а)…
*flails excitedly* Больше года
Evanescent прокомментировал(-а)…
:D Больше года
geekcharming02 прокомментировал(-а)…
i want tiva so bad Больше года
mjthevath прокомментировал(-а)…
Nope it's in fall unfortunately:) Больше года
nciszivarox сказал(-а) …
I will be giving anyone who joins the harry potter crafts and recipes club as many Благодарности as they want! Опубликовано Больше года
wallee сказал(-а) …
NCIS-NCISLA crossover link !!!!! Hi, I made this because I've seen interview with LL and Chris and another with Daniela and they've mentioned that they would like a crossover, and it would be so awsome to see Kensi and Ziva together. So please sign :) Опубликовано Больше года
Lie_to_Me_123 сказал(-а) …

McGee/Maxine Опубликовано Больше года
lilith84 прокомментировал(-а)…
from those I really enjoy only Gibbs/Borin and Gibbs/Hart... I like Tiva, but I don't really care if they would end up together или not. I hate McAbby though. Больше года