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Nintendogs чихуахуа, чиуауа & Друзья Вопрос

Do your Собаки have to be the same breed AND color to have a puppy?

I have heard different answers, so im a little curious, oh, and yes, it IS possible to breed! I have seen many pictures of people who were succesful and have a tiny little puppy
tribute12 posted Больше года
Thank Ты guys!
tribute12 posted Больше года
Just same breed. There's a way to do пересекать, крест breeds.
Honeytail posted Больше года
 tribute12 posted Больше года
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Nintendogs чихуахуа, чиуауа & Друзья Ответы

Bellinda930324 said:
The Собаки have to be the same breed but not the same colour. Im trying to breed my shelties, Cloudy and Joey. I'll put up a video blog. Hope I helped 😄
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posted Больше года 
It helped ALOT!! Thanks so much :)
tribute12 posted Больше года
Ты can crossbreed, I'm bredding a female corgi Rina and a male shiba Rino and they are doing fine on breeding 😘😘😘
Helayna360 posted Больше года
silverfang97 said:
Nintendogs cannot have a puppy, because they're still puppies. The game has been out since 2005. If they could have puppies, do Ты honestly think that Nintendo would keep it a secret that long?
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posted Больше года 
It isnt a secret! look at websites etc and ul see. My cousins nintenDOGS had Щенки and so did alot of peoples on youtubes. but fine if thats what u think. U just might wanna Поиск on Google 'nintendogs breeding site'.
Bellinda930324 posted Больше года
Thanks :) I think my dog might be pregnant, but not sure just yet!
tribute12 posted Больше года
маргаритка is 7 years old in 3 weeks! That's old!
Honeytail posted Больше года
Helayna360 said:
When Ты are breeding, they do not have be be the same at all. Ты can breed a corgi with a dachshund, или Ты can also breed a Золото dachshund and a black dachshund. Ты can breed any dog together, as long as Ты breed correctly. Hope that helped 💎💎💎

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