i think they made a секунда game... not sure. luve it, since its the Далее best thing to actually going on a mission with them, besides fanfictions i mean.
Опубликовано Больше года
I wanna play it but I can't for three reasons: first, I don't have a ds(I). Second, I don't have the money for one или the game. Third, I don't have the game. : pБольше года
I CANT GET THE GAME!!!! :( I cant find it ANYWERE where I am!!! :( I WANT IT! the only video game of POM that I have.. is for... Game boy! yes, A GAME BOY!!!! :(Больше года
OMG!!! I JUST GOT IT!!! :D I though it was IMPOSSIBLE to get it where i am... BUT I WAS WRONG!!!!!! I GOT IT!!!!!! :D :D :D and now im REALLY hooked! :DБольше года