Percy Jackson & The Olympians Книги Club
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if Ты have'nt read the seven before this edition Ты will not understand anything in this story

Once we left the magic shack we started walking down the lane of houses and the further we went down the road the houses became еще greek and еще decorated. after a few минуты of walking there were statues of greek gods in specified areas, and after a few секунды i realized they were in the exact order of the thrones of the real greek gods.
"before we go any further" michael began "it's respectul to bow before our godly parents statue" once this was finished we walked on to some very ornate houses with perfectly white columns all around the buildings and the symbol of a greek god was on the front of the door with shiny Золото paint.
"you have a Вопрос annabeth?" michael asked. annabeth looke extremely puzzled
"wha... oh right. Well i wanted to know where we were?"
"oh right, i forgot... well this is were most demi-gods come to live if a satyr can't find them или if their satyr died trying to get them to camp halfblood, или in most cases this is where they go when there not at camp. I've known most of these people my whole life i've never been to camp cause we train here ourselves, and ever since it was announced by Hermes himself who had come straight from Olympus. Everyone was doing there thing and i was Чтение a book on my porch when I heard a gasp in front of me."
"I looked up" he continued "and a lot of people had godly symbols ovet there head including me, right after that Hermes arrived in the square right over them" he pointed to a very ornate area were there were very detailed statues of the gods with there symbols hanging above each statue, just floating there. "He announced that the Big 3 pact was finally over and that Percy here had made the gods swear on the River Styx to do it. Very impressive"
"uh, thanks i guess" percy replied
"here's my Избранное house, it's one of the Музыка God's kids house I always forget his name." The house was трещина, сплит up into 4 seperate sections on the outside, on the bottom right it was very dark black and red paint, and skulls all around the broken windows, this must have been the heavy metal section.On the bottom left was various Благодарности from movies, maybe it was the showtunes section. The вверх left was hot розовый and bold red with сердце cutouts around the сердце shaped windows, it must have been the romance Музыка area. The вверх right section was lots of strobe lights, LED lights, and flashing Рождество lights, this one had me stumped. "Percy" michael began "it's the techno music. the house is трещина, сплит up into the childs Избранное music. We can't get in unless the kid is with us only he can get into his house. But there's still еще stuff to see." We must have passed by all the houses of the gods and each resident had there own house. "There's Jillians' house"
"There's no door." Annabeth observed "It's a magic house, Ты have to teleport in, only the Hecates kids can do it или Ты have to hold there hand while there teleporting to get in." The house had various magic objects on it like a вверх hat with a bunny in it, i chuckled a bit at the life sized Harry Potter cutout on it. "And here is my house" It was big and white like the others with a golden trident on the door, there was icicles on the door frame and there was frost on every window literally, it looked like something straight out of a Рождество special on T.V.
"Let's go in" Michael сказал(-а) "every demi-god's got a special key to get into there house" he opened his celestial bronze water bottle and formed a "glove" of ice around his left hand he pressed it clean through the tridents middle point, and an invisible padlock openedand the sound o a padlock opening came from inside.
"Welcome to Gavin Manor." I was stunned at the stuff in his house. and at the A.C in there i felt instantly relieved of the heat.
"resume playlist, please." michael сказал(-а) "what?" annabeth replied i wondered what he meant too but i was answered immediatley, because a lively tune starting playing on a speaker system that i couldn't see. There was a spiral staircase going up to an open room that was covered in a spiral pattern of turquoise and лайм, известь green paint, there was a кухня straight out of Martha Stewert's magazine all the apliances were stainless steel, there was a leather диван, мягкий уголок with a coffee таблица completely made ou of glass covered with magazines from Olympus and Time magazines. There were branching off hallways with pictures of Greece on the walls with a wave pattern on the golden picture frame,when we walked into the living room there was a large T.V hanging on the wall, and there was a door that led into another room with a black sword and bow crossed on the heavely shlacked door. "nice place Ты got Michael, who did the stereo for you?" I asked
"you knew him actually Beckandorf did it for me he went to camp with you, he did talk about your amazing adventures a lot."
a jab of guilt went through me at the name Beckendorf. He sacrificed himself to destroy an entire ship of monsters going toward New York while I fled like a... like a... like a thief. A thief that went because he wasn't man enough to face the Музыка (which was getting louder in the room). "Percy" Michael began"you can not beat yourself up for what happend on that ship he wanted Ты to do that and it bought Ты a lot of time, I hear." "what do Ты mean?" annabeth asked looking up from a magazine from Olympus which was the greek version of the Time magazine. "I heard from another camp goer Ты know him to, a Mr. Nico son of Hades, but were not talking about my contacts right now. Percy would Ты like to do some training perhaps?"
"training? what are Ты talking about?"
"I mean using only water training I've seen that Ты don't really use your main weapon thats all aound us."
"well... no, I guess not."
"which is why we need to practice with Ты not having your sword if Ты are ever captured and bound to a таблица to be... whatever Ты won't be able to reach for your sword so Ты must use water to cut your bonds или еще importantly use 'mind control' to have your captors free and fight for you." I thought it over in my head and it seemed pretty logical. why didn't i think of that before I wouldn't always have my sword with me even if it did always reappear in my pocket. "okay, i'll do it."
"excellent follow me, annabeth Ты can come and watch to if Ты like."
"okay" annabeth сказал(-а) putting down that magazine even though she was really absorbed into the Статья she was reading, but then again it's annabeth and she can get absorbed into anything thats written on paper.
Michael chuckled.
Michael opened up the heavily shlacked door with the black sword and bow on the front. Once inside Michael snapped his fingers and icicle lights (literaly they were iciles with light in them) lit up the large room with a blue-ish light. There was a full on battle field in the room and it was just трава and a few trees on the ground and what looked to be some bleachers from any high school gym.
"this room is massive" annabeth сказал(-а) with her mouth opened in wonder. "you should see the ares kids battle room" he replied. A picture flew into my mind of a field covered with red light coming from hog heads on the ceiling. There were rock structure everywhere and torn up training dummiess everywhere, and the size of it was gigantic it was easily twice as big as the field surrounding Zeus's Fist back at camp and it looked like three school gyms had been squeezed into it because ther were bleachers surrounding the massive red field (clarisse would have loved it). "She does percy she designed it actually and she tells me it reminds her of the fighting ring back at camp". It sure reminded me of camp. "wait Ты сказал(-а) clarisse designed it, does she live her when she's not at camp?" "indeed she does and she tells quite the stories of Ты two" he chuckled "we can go see her house after training... oh i forgot percy put your sword awy Ты won't be using it."
"have Ты ever controled water to help Ты fight before?" I remembered when i pulled Nancy Bobofit into a fountain, i survived a fall from a big arch that was being destroyed by Echidna, i remembered saving annabeth from being eaten by sirens, i remembered that i put out a огонь that would have destroyed Junipers tree, i remebered that i walked on water and created a hurricane, i survived swimming in the hudson river, i could breathe under water i've been to dads kingdom, none of these things could really be associated with combat "no, i haven't"
"oh" michael sounded a bit dissapointed "than we'll start come onto the field annabeth it could get wet down there so why don't Ты sit in the bleachers."
"of course, good luck percy" and with that she gave me a Kiss right on the mouth and i didn't want to end it, but it did. When i opened my eyes annabeth was in a bleacher waving to me and michael was waving to me on the battlefield i ran down there and i noticed that michael... had his рубашка off i tried to hold back a laugh. "percy no need to laugh at me, you'll feel a better connection to the water and you'll get the concept better and faster." I guess it wasn't so bad i mean annabeth has sat on my lap when i was just in boxers and everyone that i knew at camp was there to see, so this was not so bad. "fine" i took off my рубашка and i heard a loud whistle from annabeths direction, my face turned dark red. "oh percy your fine no one besides annabeth is watching plus were in a cave." easy for him to say compered to his ripped, tan body mine looked like a toothpick painted white.
I cursed New Yorks clouds in my head.
Michael laughed for the first time it was a strange thing to hear it went up and down it kind of reminded me of Lukes laugh before he joined with Kronos. Once he finished laughing he сказал(-а) "ready?"
"not real-" my voice trailed off he had just pulled water out of thin air and formed it into a long curvy line that moved like a snake. "form your weapon percy." he didn't attack me but i felt incredibally nervous "just pull water out of the трава and make something out of it. it can just be a formless thing like mine." once he сказал(-а) that i pictured a long curvy line made out of water that i held in my hand "good, good your getting" i opened my eyes i did form a something that was in my hand it looked a lot like a nightstick "okay ready to learn how to defend yourself?" he didn't let me answer becuse he ran towards me nightstick in hand and ready to strike i hope not to hard.
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