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What Length Hair Should Ты Have?



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You Should Have Super Long Hair
You are free spirited and carefree. You are a total wild child, and no one is going to tame you!
Your hair tells people that you're an individual who doesn't care what other people think. You and your hair break all the rules.

You are a mysterious type who has many secrets. You prefer to keep to yourself.
There's a lot hiding behind that hair. Very few people truly understand what you are all about.
posted Больше года.
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NatyLy said:
You Should Have Long Hair

You are assertive and bold. You lead when others follow, and you're not afraid to go after what you want in life.
Your hair tells people that you are powerful and even a little vain. You want to be respected and admired.

You can be a bit self-absorbed at times. You can't help it... you're in love with yourself!
You are good at getting your way. All it usually takes is a well practiced flip of the hair.
posted Больше года.
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You Should Have Super Long Hair

You are free spirited and carefree. You are a total wild child, and no one is going to tame you!
Your hair tells people that you're an individual who doesn't care what other people think. You and your hair break all the rules.

You are a mysterious type who has many secrets. You prefer to keep to yourself.
There's a lot hiding behind that hair. Very few people truly understand what you are all about

posted Больше года.