Powerpuff Girls and Rowdyruff Boys Club
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posted by keEeEeToOo
"What a beautiful starry night, right Boomer?" сказал(-а) Bubbles. "Yeah, just like you" Boomer smilled. Bubbles smilled him back. "Thanks Boomer... hey, what's those?" asked Bubbles. They saw two shiny, red and green lights in the dark sky. Then Boomer сказал(-а) "They are li- Bubbles? Bubbles!" Boomer screamed. "Hey! Who the hell are you?! Let me go!" Bubbles looked at "unknown" strangely but she still was unhappy. "No way! I'll never let Ты дата with my Boomer!" сказал(-а) "unknown". "What are Ты talking about?" asked Bubbles with a very strangely accent. "Don't be a baby! Boomer isn't your coupple, so...
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Narrator: The Utonium home, where the girls are getting ready for tonight's party!

Blossom: Does my hair seem okay? I want to make sure I impress Di-Brick...

Bubbles: Yeah, it looks great. But do my shoes match my outfit well enough? I couldn't buy new ones for it.

BC(buttercup): Are Ты crazy? Those couldn't go any better with it!

*Blossom/Bubbles gawk in amazement*

BC: I'm not that tomboy-ish anymore, and Ты both should know that judging by what IM wearing. >(

Bubbles: We knew that, it's just we thought Ты didn't care somuch as what others wear besides yourself.

Blossom: Buttercup.... never...
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 Wow, Kristina is SO ugly!
Wow, Kristina is SO ugly!
Kristina's Perspective

I think I'll burn everything Nishka loves. Then she won't like Vincent! Than Vincent will fall in Любовь with me! Oooooohhhhhhh, I cannot wait to activate my plan!!

But every boy in the school loves Nishka. Every girl likes her. So how should I do this???

Vincent's Perspective

Haha! Yessssss! Woooo-ooooo! Ooooohoohoohoo! I know you're probably wondering why I'm adding so crazy! That's because I asked Nishka to marry me! And she сказал(-а) yes!!!! This is a dream come true!

And yeah, I activated my evil plan. I'm sorry, but I will have to tell Ты what I did later!

Nishka's Perspective...
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Blossom: What are Ты doing here?

Brick: We're going to school here.

Bubbles: *cries*

Boomer: Oh great! In school with a crybaby!

Buttercup: SHUT UP BABY! Uhh... What's up with bouncy?

Butch: *Rubs head and gets up* Uhn...

Bubbles: Bouncy?

Boomer: The time we met again?

Bubbles: Oh yeah!

*Inside school*

Ms. Keane: Ok class! Welcome to Pokey Oaks! Im your teacher, Ms. Keane! We have some very special students in our class again this year! Please welcome, the PowerPuff Girls!

*class cheers*

Brick: *Shoots spitball at Blossom*

Blossom: HEY!

Boomer: *snickers and wedgies Bubbles from behind*

Bubbles: YOW!

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posted by buttercup_kaoru
 All:WHAT R U DOING HERE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
All:WHAT R U DOING HERE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Narrator:Lets go back where we left off.
All:WHAT R U DOING HERE!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Girls:Since when did u guys went to school???
Boys:Mojo made us go to school because-
Brick:That i have to learn not to be so greddy to for things.
Blossom:doesnt surprise me that he told u that cause i know i will say that.
Bubbles&Buttercup:hmph...*whispered to each other*its not like u dont act like that*whispered to each other*
Boomer:Mojo told me that i should go to school cause i am stupid to him.
Bubbles:He really called u stupid?
Bubbles:Beacause i would...
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posted by iheartpuppies
Blossom:Girls! Hurry up!

Bubbles:Sorry Blossom! We were helping a kitten.

Buttercup:Excuses, excuses...

Blossom:I don't care! We have to go to the new school year!

*With the RRB*

Brick:I can't believe Mojo signed us up for school...

Boomer:Yeah! We fight fine!

Butch:It's not a fighting school Boomer.


Brick:Come on! Lets go get it over with.

*with the PPG*

Bubbles:I hope we get new students this year!


Blossom:It would be nice for Pokey Oaks to get new classmates.

Buttercup:Don't get your hopes up.

*At the front of the school*

Brick:Look. There it is. I'm ready for- *mumbles* oh my gosh...

Boomer: What?

*The girls stop talking and turn around*

*They all stare except for Butch who is looking at a snail*

Butch:Why is it so quiet? *Sees PPG* NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
posted by Choco7
The Red POV

I sighed as I watched Boomer and Butch play Call of Duty Black OPS.Man,our life took a huge turn in the last few years.Man,they heve changed from the couple of years.Boomer hair has gone еще culer and he is much smarter than before,Thank God.He is able to make the best traps and bombs.Butch hair is еще spiky and a little longer,and natural wominizer.He is able to get his hands on the most effiecent and best weapon know to man.His hair sorta became longer then he diecide to cut it, for one I mess up in our mission and two he didnt want to be mistaken a girl again.Ofcourse he has...
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 She may look pretty, but she's not!
She may look pretty, but she's not!
Kristina's Perspective

I think I just Остаться в живых the Любовь of my life. I think he's in Любовь with my classmate, Nishka Reddy. That's because I just caught Vincent Поцелуи her. I ran away crying. Words can't tell how jealous I am of Nishka right now! My greatest fear is losing the Название of prettiest girl in the world to a different girl. And I'm afraid of losing it to Nishka. I know she's prettier than me, but I'll never admit it. Never!!!!!!

I'm also really afraid if Vincent proposes to Nishka. Then they'll get married and my сердце would break. But what if Nishka says no to Vincent? I don't have much...
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posted by Choco7
The розовый POV

Blossom woke up to see sunshining in her face, she look at the alarm clock and groaned.She woke 30 минуты early again.

(sigh) man some things never change

She look at розовый walls looking at her education awards hanging from the walls. Her eyes kept scanning her walls blankly her mind going back with memories.When eyes stumbled on Professor picture, it was a picture before everything went wrong.

"Okay,girls.Lets hurry, we don't want to be late",exclaimed Professor.We were just called to the Mayors' for meeting and he wanted everyone to come.I was sitting in the front listening to the...
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posted by fungirlninja
brick: Эй, babe

blossom: okay,can you....STOP CALLING ME BABE!

berserk: least she didnt get her hair shaved all off



brat: good times....

brick,blossom,berserk,and dennis: * looks at brat as like shes crazy*

brat: WHAT?

caitlyn: least i don`t have shcool


caitlyn: O_O ok ok ok

dennis: ....-_-

( the Далее день )

airplane guy: ok everyone were going for lift off in 3 2 1

airplane: * starts flying*

brick: *shakes in fear*

bubbles: oh is brick scared?

brick: NO!...
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posted by Beatlefan21
narrator: the city of Townsville where the students of Pokey Oaks are excited that is Friday.
Blossom: Эй, Bubbles?
Bubbles: yes, Blossom?
Blossom: did Ты notice those guys over there staring at us?
Buttercup: they're such perverts
Bubbles: what if their staring at the Цветы Далее to Blossom?
Blossom: what flowers?
Bubbles: the ones Далее to you
[Blossom sees the Цветы and picks them up]
Blossom: these Цветы are for me
Bubble and Buttercup: who is it from?
Blossom: they're from a guy named Brick, I don't know anybody named Brick
Bubbles: let's ask those guys that were staring at us
Buttercup and Blossom:...
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posted by fairydust777
Brick:Blossom Wanna go out for dinner?
Blossom:ok pick me up at 7.
At the ppg house
Blossom picked out a Red school куртка with a black shirt
With a white tiger on it and blue shiny pants and red sneakers and her hair was out and has розовый die in it.

Brick rang the doorbells. Blossom opened. The door.

Blossom:hi brick Ты look great.

Brick: thanks Ты too.

Blossom:)lets go.

Brick: ok.

They went to Crusty's for pizza

The waiter came and asked what did they want.

Blossom:I will have a pizza


The Еда came in 4 seconds.

Blossom: Brick do Ты Любовь berserk?

Brick: no I Любовь you.

Blossom:I Любовь Ты too.

Blossom and Brick ate their Еда and left.
 Kristina Pimenova is in love!
Kristina Pimenova is in love!
Kristina's Perspective

There's a new boy at school today. His name is Vincent and he's soooooooooooooooooo cute! He сказал(-а) hi to me and I think that's a sign he likes me! *gasps* Maybe he сказал(-а) hi because he loves me! Oooohhh!! I can't wait to tell all my friends!

My Друзья didn't believe me. They сказал(-а) "yeah, right". But I know it's true! I know Vincent is secretly in Любовь with me, who wouldn't? I'm the prettiest girl in the world, for heaven's sake! Ugh! Nobody believes me! But Ты know Vincent loves me...right? Don't Ты believe me?

Vincent's Perspective

There's a really annoying girl at...
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posted by buttercup_kaoru
 Boomer:Where is Butch??Brick:*Hears a voice in their dad's lab*I hear somebody in dad's lab.
Boomer:Where is Butch??Brick:*Hears a voice in their dad's lab*I hear somebody in dad's lab.
Narrator:Lets go with Brick and Boomer looking for Butch at home.
Boomer:Where is Butch??
Brick:*Hears a voice in their dad's lab*I hear somebody in dad's lab.
*They go down in Mojo's lab and see a shadow*
Boomer:*Talks really scared*Is that a monster?
Brick:*Sees that it is Butch*No I think it is-BUTCH!!!
Boomer:Look,I know I messed up BIG time,but what I was trying to say is that I am REALLY sorry and I will do anything for trying to say sorry.
Butch:It is alright.I am getting over it anyways.And thanks Brick...
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 Wow....isn't Nishka beautiful?
Wow....isn't Nishka beautiful?
Kristina's Perspective

I don't know how to break Nishka and Vincent up. They really Любовь each other. I heard tonight they're going on a pre-date. I can't believe this! Nishka украл, палантин Vincent from me! I know it's not Nishka's fault she's pretty, but still! That doesn't mean she can steal a boy I Любовь from me! Ugh! I'm going to write an Статья about Nishka Reddy and how weird she is and Vincent will Любовь me! или maybe I should spread some rumors about Nishka and Vincent....

Vincent's Perspective

Okay, my evil plan is to do some bad things to Kristina and she'll think it's bad luck so she'll commit...
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posted by Beatlefan21
narrator: uh oh what is Butch going to tell the Professor?
Professor: yes, Butch
Butch: last night I saw Brick....
Professor: yes?
Butch: hugging
Butch: Blossom
Professor: WHAT?!
Professor: there is going to be changes of buddies
Bubbles: what why?
Buttercup: finally
Professor: Blossom Ты will share with Butch, Buttercup Ты will share with Boomer, and Bubbles Ты will share with Brick, and if there's any problems then there will be another change
[Brick was really mad at this time]
narrator: ужин was over and it was time for bed
Professor: time for bed
[Butch was glad that he was...
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posted by fairydust777
Blossom POV

I" cant wait for summer vacation me and my family are
going to Oregan.Bubbles is packing with Buttercup.I
still look kinda the same but, no big head i have arms
legs and feet now im a regular teen.

Bubbles POV
I finished packing my stuff for Oregan and watched some tv.

Buttercup POV
I packed up all my stuff me and my family headed to Oregon and got in our hotel.

Normal POV

Blossom went to explore and saw butch.
Эй, butch сказал(-а) blossom.Hi blossom remember that
Вопрос i asked you??? asked butch

Yeah butch i...i Любовь Ты сказал(-а) blossom.I Любовь Ты too
сказал(-а) butch and they kissed.
posted by spidernic4
The city of townsville is now on bommerang.Bloosome.Lets go girls.Brick.lets go boys.Blossome. kisses .Brick. grossness.Butch.Shotgun to your face.Boomer.Stand down.Buttercup.Sniper to your face.Brop your your self. THE END.I got good stories. stay toons for part2.

*Heres Something Extra*

Boomer: It's Boomer Idiot! W-W-W-What Is this? I got this? I'm thinking no! Until I wan't my evening to freaking blow! *Fart* Don't give me вишня coke, Ты know that drink is old. Come on' I wan't a monster! And Make It Cold! Take The Whole Can Down With A Power Chug! Log On To Halo! And know ya freaked! Out...
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Sometimes things go away. Like somethings Ты loved from your childhood disappear now. Ты see, 15 years in the past, The Power Puff Girls was crime-fighting superheroes. Now their еще mature adults. But we never saw what happened to the Rowdy Ruff Boys? That's a Вопрос that lasted for a long time... But, we seemed to get a hand of what Butch was doing.

Miami, Florida
2:00 AM
Butch's House

"Dude, I think I'm going to get some shuteye." Mitch Michelson said. "Dude, this Is a dude's night out. "I know. But It's 2:00 in the morning and I am pretty freaking sleepy. Just let me get some shuteye....
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Narrator: WWHHHAAAAAAAATTT??! How can Dickon be so evil??!! What will Brick do? How WILL. THIS. END??!!!

Brick: What the..?! How on earth do Ты expect me to just give Ты my powers?! I’m not a freakin’ magician Ты know!

Dickon: Oh don’t worry about that *waves the problem away as if it were a pesky fly*, I can arrange that part personally…

Brick: Just what are Ты going to do to me first off, fancy pants?

Dickon: Oh just something im sure I will enjoy seeing and Ты wont enjoy feeling. Its called sucking all the chemical X out of you!
    *Looks back at Blossom,...
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