Private the пингвин Вопрос
What songs remind Ты of Private?
Private the пингвин Ответы
CuteCuddly said:
I thinks it might be the song True Colours, или I have a Dream. ^^
Chrissy47 said:
розовый Fluffy Единороги Dancing on Rainbows :P
iloveprivate said:
Shadow Days by John Mayer and Good Thoughts by Colbie Caillat
ImAnEasel said:
Ooh, tough one... Um... The Moomins' theme tune, maybe? That's a nice happy song. Ooh, no, wait!! The Moonins credit song! 'They Любовь the laughter and they Любовь the living, the moooooooomins...... Believing in sharing and caring and giving, the moooooooomins.....' ... Y'know... The Moomins? Ah, never mind... XD
Penguins_fan said:
"Whithout you" , "Running up that hill" and also "I will always Любовь you". :)
Skilene17 said:
Numb by LINKIN PARK, I think it sums up his true feelings pretty well.