The week after the week long party for the Остаться в живых Princess's return, I found Rapunzel on the balcony watching the sun set. "Boo" I yelled, "WHAT THE....oh Эй,
Eugene I didn't see Ты there", she сказал(-а) with her "Gosh-That-Was-Embaressing" face. "So Ты liking the new hair cutt?" I asked
"Huh? Oh! umm yes but it's taking some getting used to"
"Personaly, i think it Форс-мажоры Ты nicely"
"Thanks Eugene"
She was smiling but she seemed distracted and a little bit scared and the longer I looked at her eyes I noticed, she had been crying. "Hey, Эй,
whats wrong?"
"Nothing, well, I can be honest with you, right?"...
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