Rin Updates

a comment was made to the poll: Who do Ты think Rin should marry? Больше года by Mickey462
a poll Добавлено: Who does Sesshomaru care еще about ? Больше года by Arlong44
a pop quiz question Добавлено: the first time rin dies was from Больше года by Yuki-onna-ice
a pop quiz question Добавлено: what side is the pigtail from rin Больше года by Yuki-onna-ice
a pop quiz question Добавлено: What does rin hate the most Больше года by Yuki-onna-ice
a comment was made to the poll: don't kiadia [kikiyo's sis]and rin look exactly alike!? Больше года by Ami_Mizuno
a photo Добавлено: Rin and Sesshomaru Больше года by purplevampire
an icon Добавлено: rin Больше года by purplevampire
a comment was made to the screencap: Манга moments Больше года by maka160
a comment was made to the screencap: Манга moments Больше года by maka160
a comment was made to the poll: Who does Rin have the closest relationship with? (Not specifically romantic) Больше года by maka160
a comment was made to the poll: Don't Rin and Kagome look alike Больше года by maka160
a comment was made to the poll: who's the best girl in the show? Больше года by maka160
a comment was made to the poll: will InuYasha and Kagome ever get married ??( answer is in chapter 558) Больше года by maka160
a comment was made to the poll: who do Ты like better? Больше года by maka160
a comment was made to the poll: What should Rin do with her life? Больше года by maka160
a poll Добавлено: how old is rin? Больше года by hiramalik
a poll Добавлено: What should Rin do with her life? Больше года by sumama
a comment was made to the photo: wtf!!! Больше года by rosiethapikmin
an answer was added to this question: What do you think, could Rin be Kagome's ancestor? They do look a lot alike. Here is a picture of Rin grown up. Больше года by LidiaIsabel