--If Ты pictured Albus into anything besides Gryffindor, или Rose into Ravenclaw, I do NOT suggest Ты Чтение this--
Rose was nervous. еще than nervous, actually, terrified. James had already taken his сиденье, место, сиденья at the Gryffindor table, and he kept on glancing at Albus and Rose standing in the long line of First Years. She would try and smile at James, to let him know that she was feeling okay. He and Albus both knew that she was nervous about getting Sorted. At least 50 kids had went already, and since the 'W' in Weasley was at the very end of the alphabet, she would be standing there a long time. ''Potter, Albus!'' Albus got up and sat under the Sorting Hat. ''Ahh, I see we have gotten the секунда Potter child! Well, well...where to put you, let's see..there, we'll put Ты there...GRYFFINDOR!'' The Gryffindor таблица practically exploded into cheers. They had gotten James, and now they had gotten Albus. Albus grinned, got off the stool, and went to the Gryffindor table. ''Malfoy, Scorpius!'' Rose's eyes widened. That was the boy that her father had told her to ''Beat him'' in everything. Everything. Grades, Quidditch, probably even with the amount of friends. Rose at first didn't understand as too why she had to ''beat'' Scorpius Malfoy in everything, but then she realized that he was in fact, a Malfoy.
And that explained a lot.
But still, Rose just wanted to be 'normal.' But she never would be. With two parents that were the famous Harry Potter's two best Друзья and helped destroy Voldemort, Rose and Hugo Weasley would never, ever, be 'normal.'
Not that James, Albus, или Lily would be either. ''Slytherin!'' The Sorting Hat called out. Rose had realized that she had completely ignored what the Sorting Hat was saying about Scorpius Malfoy. She sighed. Rose didn't want to stand around much longer, but she would have to since her last name began with the letter 'W'. After a long Список of names, her name finally came up. ''Weasley, Rose!'' Rose pushed her way through the remaining First Years and sat made her way to the Sorting Hat. It was placed on her head, and it began to speak. ''Wow. Another Weasley. Let's see...Oh, you're one of Ronald's children! Good kid, good kid...Anyway, let's sort you...GRYFFINDOR!'' Again, the Gryffindor таблица erupted into cheer. But this time, Rose saw all of her family cheering for her. James, Albus, Victoire, Louis, Dominique, Molly II, Lucy, Roxanne, and Фред II. She smiled, and ran down to the таблица to Присоединиться the rest of her fellow Gryffindors.
Rose was nervous. еще than nervous, actually, terrified. James had already taken his сиденье, место, сиденья at the Gryffindor table, and he kept on glancing at Albus and Rose standing in the long line of First Years. She would try and smile at James, to let him know that she was feeling okay. He and Albus both knew that she was nervous about getting Sorted. At least 50 kids had went already, and since the 'W' in Weasley was at the very end of the alphabet, she would be standing there a long time. ''Potter, Albus!'' Albus got up and sat under the Sorting Hat. ''Ahh, I see we have gotten the секунда Potter child! Well, well...where to put you, let's see..there, we'll put Ты there...GRYFFINDOR!'' The Gryffindor таблица practically exploded into cheers. They had gotten James, and now they had gotten Albus. Albus grinned, got off the stool, and went to the Gryffindor table. ''Malfoy, Scorpius!'' Rose's eyes widened. That was the boy that her father had told her to ''Beat him'' in everything. Everything. Grades, Quidditch, probably even with the amount of friends. Rose at first didn't understand as too why she had to ''beat'' Scorpius Malfoy in everything, but then she realized that he was in fact, a Malfoy.
And that explained a lot.
But still, Rose just wanted to be 'normal.' But she never would be. With two parents that were the famous Harry Potter's two best Друзья and helped destroy Voldemort, Rose and Hugo Weasley would never, ever, be 'normal.'
Not that James, Albus, или Lily would be either. ''Slytherin!'' The Sorting Hat called out. Rose had realized that she had completely ignored what the Sorting Hat was saying about Scorpius Malfoy. She sighed. Rose didn't want to stand around much longer, but she would have to since her last name began with the letter 'W'. After a long Список of names, her name finally came up. ''Weasley, Rose!'' Rose pushed her way through the remaining First Years and sat made her way to the Sorting Hat. It was placed on her head, and it began to speak. ''Wow. Another Weasley. Let's see...Oh, you're one of Ronald's children! Good kid, good kid...Anyway, let's sort you...GRYFFINDOR!'' Again, the Gryffindor таблица erupted into cheer. But this time, Rose saw all of her family cheering for her. James, Albus, Victoire, Louis, Dominique, Molly II, Lucy, Roxanne, and Фред II. She smiled, and ran down to the таблица to Присоединиться the rest of her fellow Gryffindors.

Rose Weasley/Helena Barlow