Ryan and Taylor Intros

sweetstarkara posted on Feb 01, 2008 at 12:02PM
Hey I'm Kara and I'm from Australia. I love the OC and I love Ryan and Taylor together even though I loved Ryan and Marissa being together. I just like the quirkyness of Ryan and Taylor, the unexpected couple. So tell us a bit about yourself and why you love Ryan and Taylor...
Lets get to know each other...

Ryan and Taylor 1 reply

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Больше года mcewen_girl said…
Well my name is Kelsie I'm from USA. I LOVE the OC and as much as I did like Ryissa.....I <3 <3<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Raylor they are soo perfect!! I could not love them anymore!! I wish they would have given us a more solid end for them...