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people.com -By шарлотка, шарлотта Phillipp -The actors and director Shawn Levy revealed that they visited Мадонна to Показать her the scene that uses her 1989 hit
movieweb.com -BY ANTHONY LUND -Shooting hasn't even started on Deadpool 3, and the movie is already the stuff of internet banter between Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds.
1 fan
comicbook.com -By JAMIE LOVETT
1 fan
screenrant.com -BY JOSH PLAINSE -In a Последнее interview on The Tonight Show, Ryan Reynolds talked about how bringing Deadpool into the Marvel Cinematic Universe would be “explosive."
www.adweek.com -By David Griner -His new Aviation джин ad encourages online ordering, with 30% going to struggling bartenders
www.koimoi.com -By Koimoi.com Team -Ryan Reynolds being our very own Deadpool surely has some smart tricks covered up his sleeve.
1 fan