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added by Lorajonas
added by Lorajonas
added by Lorajonas
added by SarahAngel
added by SarahAngel
added by Lorajonas
2011 Музыка Video
added by Lorajonas
added by SarahAngel
added by Lorajonas
added by SarahAngel
added by SarahAngel
posted by Lorajonas
I try my hardest not to look
I try my best to just avoid
All Ты tell are lies,False information.
Ты make me want a disguise

Ты only see skin deep,
Ты only see the outside of me
Ты don’t care who Ты hurt
Ты have no heart, Ты have no soul,
You’re inconsiderate

Why do Ты do this?
Why don’t Ты care?
I’ve never hurt Ты I’ve never even tried
I’ve wanted to, oh yes, I have
But unlike you, I fear
Ты tell me how to look, Ты tell me who to be,
I fear what might happen if your not there.

Ты reflect who Ты think i am,
But that’s not me,
Who is that person staring back?
Why do Ты do this?
Why don’t Ты care?
Ты stupid old mirror