It was about 12:00 and i was laying on a branch in a дерево when I saw a black form rushing to me. "Shadow of course!" I said. " Эй,
Tailsica! want to got Trick-or-Treating?" he сказал(-а) " Trick. or. Treating..?" i was confused. " what you've never had a Halloween" he said, I shook my head, " no whats a 'Halloween'" I really wanted to know what it was. "It's a thing where Ты go around to peoples houses-" " and steal from them" i asked "No!" shadow сказал(-а) "You go around to peoples houses and get candy!" I didn't know what Конфеты is. " Look Tails is having a Хэллоуин party and he invited Ты along with...
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