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Silver and Dixon Do Ты htink they will be together a long time ?

37 fans picked:
yes .. they are ment to be !!!
No, i hope they do , but i think something will pull them apart
 tareva1451 posted Больше года
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naley_4ever picked yes .. they are ment to be !!!:
i hope so!!
they're a great couple!
posted Больше года.
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wildgossip77 picked yes .. they are ment to be !!!:
I love them. i hope they never break up.
posted Больше года.
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LauraRocks picked No, i hope they do , but i think something will pull them apart:
i hope so BUT i think they will be one of those couples that break up but eventually get back together!
posted Больше года.
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cloisfanbam picked No, i hope they do , but i think something will pull them apart:
i hope they stay together they look so cute together....but unfortunately i think Ethan is going to interfere..
posted Больше года.