Tayla, Souljaboy, and Kelci
I am too lazy to make a beat, just imagine it to the beat of On Melancholy холм, хилл By Gorillaz (Search kareoke version) I GIVE FULL CREDIT TO THEM, I DID NOT MAKE THIS BEAT
(When I do this - after a word it means stretch out the word)
Come along with me
And maybe, Ты will see.
That I cannot do
What Ты what me to
Oh no-
It can't always will be your way.
Every single day-
I'll try.
But when Ты lie...
Oh no-
Listen to the beat.
Of these sheets.
Of blood and tears.
When Ты are near.
It's not to be.
Opposites don't attract...
Любовь is like glass-
Once it is passed-
Through my hands-
Not to be pickin'
Up the pieces
[repeat verse]
Okay, now I don't sing, I was just board... :P:P:P:P
(When I do this - after a word it means stretch out the word)
Come along with me
And maybe, Ты will see.
That I cannot do
What Ты what me to
Oh no-
It can't always will be your way.
Every single day-
I'll try.
But when Ты lie...
Oh no-
Listen to the beat.
Of these sheets.
Of blood and tears.
When Ты are near.
It's not to be.
Opposites don't attract...
Любовь is like glass-
Once it is passed-
Through my hands-
Not to be pickin'
Up the pieces
[repeat verse]
Okay, now I don't sing, I was just board... :P:P:P:P

Natalia Ferreiro

Michael Jackson
You Loved Me
Ты сказал(-а) Ты loved me
Now all of a sudden we are over
This doesn't make any sense
What happened to us,
what about all our plans
I'm sorry,baby,but this doesn't make any sense
If Ты really didn't Любовь me why did Ты lie
I'm failing to understand this
Was she worth it to you?
Was losing me worth it to you?
I know secretley Ты still Любовь me
and Ты are devistated for losing me
If I was in your shoes I would try to fix it and not leave it the way Ты did
(repeat chorus
I'm sorry, babe, but I don't understand it, really why did Ты do it?
Was she worth еще to Ты then I was?
By:Stevie Kendrick
Ты сказал(-а) Ты loved me
Now all of a sudden we are over
This doesn't make any sense
What happened to us,
what about all our plans
I'm sorry,baby,but this doesn't make any sense
If Ты really didn't Любовь me why did Ты lie
I'm failing to understand this
Was she worth it to you?
Was losing me worth it to you?
I know secretley Ты still Любовь me
and Ты are devistated for losing me
If I was in your shoes I would try to fix it and not leave it the way Ты did
(repeat chorus
I'm sorry, babe, but I don't understand it, really why did Ты do it?
Was she worth еще to Ты then I was?
By:Stevie Kendrick
People if Ты really like Пение go ahead and do it. If u do sing to family and Друзья and if they really like your voice then u might be a singer when u grow up. Also if they like it then let someone take a video of yourself Пение and send it to different places and they might call u back and Ты could get a job. If Ты like Justin Bieber then follow his foot steps because people all ready know him because they saw his video on Youtube and maybe that will be Ты someday. Making the boys или girls go crazy.
this is my секунда song. hope Ты like it!
hello, goodbye,
dont need sensitivity,
i dont cry,
i promise,
be honest,
just cant get it all.
goodbye, goodbye,
dont even ask why,
Ты know, Ты know,
turn on the radio,
and sing,
oh oh,
hello, goodbye,
dont need protection,
no effection,
so why,
do cry,
Ты cant always please
goodbye, goodbye,
dont even ask why,
Ты know, Ты know,
turn on the radio,
and sing,
oh oh,
hello, goodbye,
in the end,
triuph sky,
i tell you,
rebell you,
wipe those tears away.
hello, goodbye,
dont need sensitivity,
i dont cry,
i promise,
be honest,
just cant get it all.
goodbye, goodbye,
dont even ask why,
Ты know, Ты know,
turn on the radio,
and sing,
oh oh,
hello, goodbye,
dont need protection,
no effection,
so why,
do cry,
Ты cant always please
goodbye, goodbye,
dont even ask why,
Ты know, Ты know,
turn on the radio,
and sing,
oh oh,
hello, goodbye,
in the end,
triuph sky,
i tell you,
rebell you,
wipe those tears away.
trust me i know Ты either
a leader of my dreams IN MY DREAMS FEELING My DEEPS trust me
i knew from a long time
hearing your voice in my ears everytime
everymoment everyhour
listening to my сердце saying Ты are coming back
no way ,no way,no way
trust me i know either
a leader of my dreams
DEEPS trust me
who are Ты to take my сердце away with you?
(chours who are you?) to take me along with love??
do Ты feel my сердце bringing me back to you??
knowing alot about Ты and me?????
trust me i know Ты either a leader of my dreams
TRUST ME!!!!!!!!
a leader of my dreams IN MY DREAMS FEELING My DEEPS trust me
i knew from a long time
hearing your voice in my ears everytime
everymoment everyhour
listening to my сердце saying Ты are coming back
no way ,no way,no way
trust me i know either
a leader of my dreams
DEEPS trust me
who are Ты to take my сердце away with you?
(chours who are you?) to take me along with love??
do Ты feel my сердце bringing me back to you??
knowing alot about Ты and me?????
trust me i know Ты either a leader of my dreams
TRUST ME!!!!!!!!
When I was 11 I auditioned for a competition called the Echt factor(I know it's a cheesy name:D) After the audition I was really anxios to know if I had been accepted. Then two days later when I came Главная from school my parents were waiting for me.
" They called!" my mum сказал(-а) shaking her head.
I really thought I hadn't gotten through to the finals. But then it tuned out I had. I was sooo happy to have the chance to win something this big. But 1 месяц 2 weeks later the practicing had paid off. I had won, I got handed my £150 and my medal, I was so proud and I got to shake hands with someone that knows an awful lot about music, he worked on the radio. Nothing much has changed since then, except that I am so much еще confident than I was before the show.
" They called!" my mum сказал(-а) shaking her head.
I really thought I hadn't gotten through to the finals. But then it tuned out I had. I was sooo happy to have the chance to win something this big. But 1 месяц 2 weeks later the practicing had paid off. I had won, I got handed my £150 and my medal, I was so proud and I got to shake hands with someone that knows an awful lot about music, he worked on the radio. Nothing much has changed since then, except that I am so much еще confident than I was before the show.
I wrote this as a diary of someone who is depressed.
I am dying,
It feels my soul is rotting in my fragile heart,
My fragile Кости will soon rot,
Should I give up?
I miss happiness,
Музыка helps me through this,
People say my songs are great,
What do Ты think?
Could my dream come true?
That’s why I’m alive,
I’m waiting,
My life isn’t over yet,
I have things to live for,
And things I haven’t done,
People unmet,
Songs unsung,
Друзья not made,
I want true happiness,
Can’t heal my heart,
Must harm my body to numb the pain inside,
Scars cover my body,
To burn my flesh would be giving up,
So I run I the heat,
Slowly pushing my fingers into my eyes,
Bleeding сердце is all I know,
I haven’t told anyone,
My mouth is sealed shut,
I can’t stand the pain,
Why is it like this?
I am dying,
It feels my soul is rotting in my fragile heart,
My fragile Кости will soon rot,
Should I give up?
I miss happiness,
Музыка helps me through this,
People say my songs are great,
What do Ты think?
Could my dream come true?
That’s why I’m alive,
I’m waiting,
My life isn’t over yet,
I have things to live for,
And things I haven’t done,
People unmet,
Songs unsung,
Друзья not made,
I want true happiness,
Can’t heal my heart,
Must harm my body to numb the pain inside,
Scars cover my body,
To burn my flesh would be giving up,
So I run I the heat,
Slowly pushing my fingers into my eyes,
Bleeding сердце is all I know,
I haven’t told anyone,
My mouth is sealed shut,
I can’t stand the pain,
Why is it like this?
If Ты are afraid of blood don't read my songs.
I run away from the pitch black,
Fall in a pool of my own blood.
And the еще we stay together the еще we pull apart.
A pool of blood and glitter five feet high, five feet wide.
I hit the ground hard,
Fall through the earth.
A mouthful of my blood,
Lifeless bodies on the ground,
I'm bleeding now.
Любовь used as poisoning
So I run away.
Consider your blood I'm running out.
In the water I can't swim.
The mysteries of life.
The light looks promising,
I'm charcoal in its flames
The wind sucking away my life,
Leaving me to dance in the stars.
To dance with my nine lives.
Sorry it's so short
I run away from the pitch black,
Fall in a pool of my own blood.
And the еще we stay together the еще we pull apart.
A pool of blood and glitter five feet high, five feet wide.
I hit the ground hard,
Fall through the earth.
A mouthful of my blood,
Lifeless bodies on the ground,
I'm bleeding now.
Любовь used as poisoning
So I run away.
Consider your blood I'm running out.
In the water I can't swim.
The mysteries of life.
The light looks promising,
I'm charcoal in its flames
The wind sucking away my life,
Leaving me to dance in the stars.
To dance with my nine lives.
Sorry it's so short
I can't beleve
The light that I see
When I walk through the door
But I'm laying here
With a broken heart
And I don't know what to do
Yeah, without you
Cause your my only dream but about our relationship baby
Oh it can't be mended
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh it just can't go on
Yeah it cant be mended
Oh your my one and only
But Ты don't really Любовь me
Though your my greatest dream
I don't feel like I am yours
So I am leaving you
Oh it can't be mended
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh it just can't go on
Yeah it cant be mended
Even though I Любовь you
I am gonna have to leave even though your my dream
Oh I'm gonna say good bye
The light that I see
When I walk through the door
But I'm laying here
With a broken heart
And I don't know what to do
Yeah, without you
Cause your my only dream but about our relationship baby
Oh it can't be mended
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh it just can't go on
Yeah it cant be mended
Oh your my one and only
But Ты don't really Любовь me
Though your my greatest dream
I don't feel like I am yours
So I am leaving you
Oh it can't be mended
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh it just can't go on
Yeah it cant be mended
Even though I Любовь you
I am gonna have to leave even though your my dream
Oh I'm gonna say good bye
I don't know what it's about.
I say yes Ты say no oh,
I say yes Ты say no.
But I don't really care what Ты say.
'cause my head is bleeding,
My hair is wet.
My clothes are soaked and blood red.
Blood dying out,
I say yes Ты say no oh
I say yes Ты say no.
If Ты Любовь me I will hurt you.
Oh waoh oh waoh
Oh waoh oh yea wawawaoh oh oh,
Oh I say yes and Ты say no oh
I say yes Ты say no
Waoh oh waoh
Please Комментарий even if Ты hate it. It's not that good. Oh also please Присоединиться my club "funny cat videos"
I say yes Ты say no oh,
I say yes Ты say no.
But I don't really care what Ты say.
'cause my head is bleeding,
My hair is wet.
My clothes are soaked and blood red.
Blood dying out,
I say yes Ты say no oh
I say yes Ты say no.
If Ты Любовь me I will hurt you.
Oh waoh oh waoh
Oh waoh oh yea wawawaoh oh oh,
Oh I say yes and Ты say no oh
I say yes Ты say no
Waoh oh waoh
Please Комментарий even if Ты hate it. It's not that good. Oh also please Присоединиться my club "funny cat videos"