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We as human beings should feel fortunate that the nearest known active quasar to our planet is over half a billion light year's away, for their force is so massive, that they are able to consume mass the size of entire galaxies. The most distant known objects in the universe from us, the first quasar ever discovered was only found as recently as 1950.
 Components of a quasar
Components of a quasar

A quasar is born when the gravity of a supermassive black hole causes mass and light energy falling into it to form a highly dense accretion disc surrounding it. Incredibly, the mass located at the center of a quasar...
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I really mean it! What would Ты be able to do if SOPA/TPP censors the internet? What would Ты be able to do if Письмо fanfics and drawing fanarts become illegal? What would Ты do if it's illegal to do a cover of your Избранное song on YouTube? What would Ты do if downloading things from the internet (music, movies, TV episodes, etc) became illegal? What would Ты do if SOPA/TPP wins the war and takes away internet freedom? Net Neutrality is already dead so far, we can't risk the freedom of internet...
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posted by laura1233214
Constellations strewn
upon the dark skies,
woven from stars
strung onto Cosmos' twine,
to hang hope in our hearts,
make magical the night,

giving winks to each dreamer
with paired twinkling eyes
silences Chaos...
and with spell-binding wonder,
entrances the night-gazer,

so plausibly entertains
the what-ifs and some-days,
for when the Sky opens
and shows us its collection
from beyond,

the сердце opens, too,
for the stardust to fall upon,
and when the sky closes,
as well as our hearts,
a single spark
can remind us of
all that is beyond
and within
and the magic
that flourishes
when we choose
to open up and let
others in.
posted by freyafox
Wrote this last год for school.............. soooooo, yeah...
BLACK HOLES and stuff

Have Ты ever wondered how Black Holes are created? They were actually stars that a supernova occurred on. The star’s nuclear gas becomes too much to contain that it ends up exploding itself at the strength 3 times the strength of our star; the sun. But no worries of our sun doing that, because this phenomenon normally only happens to stars about 10 to 24 times bigger than the sun so the chances of the sun turning into a black hole is very low.
Sucking up planets? They do indeed suck up planets but condense...
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posted by Zelink4ever
What exactly happened at the beginning of time? A new probe may uncover the answer.

- A new probe will analyze radiation generated by the birth of the universe.

- The project will require several years of observations.

- The research could explain what happened in the first trillionth of a секунда after the Big Bang.

How did the universe blossom from an infinitesimally small speck to astronomical proportions in its first trillionth секунда of existence? While scientists are still debating the answer to that question, a new probe should provide the first direct evidence that the metamorphosis...
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posted by Zelink4ever
~* Dear Mother Earth *~

All the planets of Milky Way,
Came to a meeting,
The planets came to discuss about;
Who will be their king.

Venus stepped вперед and said~

I am fiery and blazing hot,
I burn every particle and dust,
So hear me now and listen whatnot,
I am your king Venus!

Uranus stepped вперед and said~

I am filled with water and snow,
All better than Venus,
Now all of Ты will now bow;
To the king Uranus.

Mars stepped вперед and said~

I have such power Ты never know,
A lot еще than the stars,
Now all of Ты will listen now,
I am your ruler, Mars.

Saturn stepped вперед and said~

I am much bigger and...
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posted by Yuzuri
What Lies Inside The Sun?

When a pond's surface is calm, Ты can see еще clearly into its depths. As it turns out, the same is true for the sun.

Researchers are excited that the sun's surface is calmer now than it's been in almost a century. It's a rare opportunity — the first since the Космос Age began — to peer еще clearly into the sun's mysterious interior.

To take advantage of the opportunity, NASA is about to launch the Solar Dynamics обсерватория (SDO). SDO is expected to launch this year, as early as November 2009.

"That's perfect timing," says Dean Pesnell, a solar physicist at the...
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There has been many, many rumors going around about Pluto being a planet или not. I just found out a few weeks назад the official new.
One of the most controversial subjects in our solar system is whether Pluto should be a planet.In 2006, Pluto was officially demoted from "planet" to "dwarf planet." But the debate's flared up again, as the New Horizons probe is set to become the first spacecraft to visit Pluto on Tuesday.Before that happens, we need to get one thing clear: there are very good reasons why Pluto isn't a planet."There are eight bodies in the solar system that dominate the others,"...
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posted by hetalianstella
 A photograph of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. Every single little dot of light Ты see in this picture is an entire galaxy. Over 10,000 in this image alone.
A photograph of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. Every single little dot of light you see in this picture is an entire galaxy. Over 10,000 in this image alone.
A bunch of Astronomical facts I find interesting. Hope Ты enjoy them and learn something new :)

- Every секунда there are 4,000 stars that are born and 30 supernovae that take place in the observable universe.

- The сердце of a звезда reaches 16 million °C. A grain of sand this hot would kill someone 150 km away.

- Космос is not a complete vacuum, there are about 3 atoms per cubic meter of space.

- The coldest place in the universe is on Earth. In Wolfgang Ketterles lab in Massachusetts. 0.000000000001 degrees Kelvin.

- Most of the universe is dark. Only 4% of the universe is what we can actually...
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