Stop Youth Suicide Club
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The boy who seemed unbreakable finally broke.
The boy who seemed so strong finally fell and crumbled.
The boy who never died finally cried
and the boy who never stopped trying......
My bodies cold
lips are blue
why did I do this because of you?

I feel the earth below me
like a подушка under my head no pill no gun no нож but rope instead

The body lays in still place, I was dispatched with haste buried on a холм, хилл remember me still.
Never forgive me never forget, Ты saw me dying in постель, кровати Ты wanted to help but Ты hid instead now I'm watching through dying as my hope and health do fade. Now I ask, WHY?
Those that aren't familiar with Tamar's story will be дана some background before I jump ahead. Tamar was a princess. She has at least two brothers, Absalom and Amnon. One night her brother has a servant call her to Amnon's chamber with special bread. So Tamar comes and long story short, Amnon rapes her. She will now forever be disgraced. Absalom, though angry, told her to keep quiet.

-Imagine Tamar: grief-stricken, sobbing, ashes on her head. Her body in a heap on the cold floor. Soot covers her beautiful face and smears the rich Цвета of her torn robe. Her outward appearance echoes the...
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posted by rolling_dice
to all of Ты who will ever read this:
after over eleven years, if the video catches me by supprise, i will still scream when i see the plane go into the секунда tower.
it is natural for any human being...... if they are a few things, to want to die. to give up on life. but to bring someone down with you, because Ты want them to know your name, that is the worst kind of evil there is.
i live in a town right Далее to Newtown, CT. the дата is 30 December. the past few weeks have been hell for us; we are just starting to heal. when Ты walk through the hallways, Ты can still see people crying....
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Step one, Ты say we need to talk
He walks Ты say sit down it's just a talk
He smiles politely back at you
You stare politely right on through
Some sort of window to your right
As he goes left and Ты stay right
Between the lines of fear and blame
You begin to wonder why Ты came

Where did I go wrong, I Остаться в живых a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with Ты all night
Had I known how to save a life

Let him know that Ты know best
'Cause after all Ты do know best
Try to slip past his defense
Without granting innocence
Lay down a Список of what is wrong
The things you've told...
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added by SaturdaySurpris
Source: Google
posted by TheDarkBoy
The Музыка Box

A small person just pretends to die
I wanted to be completely alone
the small сердце stood still for hours
so they declared it dead

I am buried in wet sand
with a Музыка box my hand

The first snow that covered the grave
woke me very gently
in a cold winter night
the small сердце is awakened

As the frost flew into my eyes
i wound up the Музыка box
a melody in the wind
and I sing from the ground

Still no Энджел climbs down a melody in the wind will play
my сердце does not beat any longer
and i cry and sing from the ground

Between hard oak boards
i will play with the Музыка box
and a melody in the wind will...
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posted by TheDarkBoy
Dear World
I guess this is it as I write my last words I no longer have to suffer life's cruel torment, dear Brooke I want u to know ill always Любовь u, dear Amanda maybe ill see Ты in the place people call heaven. To the rest of Ты I don't want Ты crying when Ты see или read this....remember me like I'm still here I can no longer stand life's pain. I'm always the odd one out wishin 4 a miracle to come but it never did. B4 I go I leave u the Вопрос I always asked.....WHY ME?! -Kieran Mckaylan-
posted by rolling_dice
Ты know something, people cannot read minds. They cannot. It is a fact of life, for that we can be both grateful and sorry. There are some people in the world that curl up inside themselves and they ain’t gonna let nobody touch them.
That is what the issue becomes: the fact that everyone is nothing but human. Some people claim that they are strong, that nothing will ever hurt them. Well those are the kinds of people who tend to get hurt a lot and have for their entire lives.
These are the people we know, love, или are.
We miss them.
I miss them.
To all of Ты that have seen, to all of Ты that have heard the screams:
Remember them.
And never do it again.
Let your emotion out, let it go, but never erase from your mind what happened.
And never. Ever. Put someone else in your place.
Honor is to take the bullet for someone Ты protect, Любовь is to take it for someone who Ты don’t want to be hit.
So, do them a favor, and put down that fucking knife.
posted by TheDarkBoy
Tears of a child

I pull out one your years
the wet chain of torment
And I wish that I had a mother to Любовь me

No sun shines on me
I want to be heard....but no one listens

mother,oh mother why did Ты leave?
mother, oh mother why did Ты deceive?

I was not allowed to be seen или talked about, no one hid me или shielded me
Nobody gave me молоко или love
Born by mistake and born a freak

The mother that never bore me
I tonight sworn onto
I will make it a fiery death
I throw myself into water and sink

mother, mother why did Ты leave? mother, mother why did Ты deceive?

In its lungs огонь burns
On my wrist an x is marked
Remove it with knifes kiss
Even if I must die too

mother, mother!

In its lungs огонь burns
On my wrist an x is marked
Remove it with knifes kiss
Even if I must die too

Oh give me strength
added by rayray36
teen suicide
helping stop suicide