Your dreams are coming true as we speak THE NX SYSTEM IS THE CLASSIC NES MINI NOW ! I watched a video on Youtube about it and Ты get 30 games with this new system how cool is that watched the video for еще details Ты want have fun! Anyway here are some of Список of games for this brand new console! [CASTLEVANIA 1 AND 2] [GHOSTS AND GOBLINS] [BUBBLES AND BOBBLES] [METROID] [ KIRBY ADVENTURES] [ALL 3 MARIO BROS.] LAST DOUBLE DRAGON 2.
With all this excitement that Nintendo has planned for us including Poke'mon go yes find magical creatures in your backyard even in your room yeah and Далее thing Ты know hearing on the news that some guys believes that real Poke'mon creatures are invading earth haaaa yeah right !
With all this excitement that Nintendo has planned for us including Poke'mon go yes find magical creatures in your backyard even in your room yeah and Далее thing Ты know hearing on the news that some guys believes that real Poke'mon creatures are invading earth haaaa yeah right !