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Супермен (фильм) What do Ты think about Henry Cavill as Superman?

13 fans picked:
I think he's going to be awesome! I am so excited!
Who is Henry Cavill?
I have no opinion on this subject.
I don't think he'll be a good Супермен at all!
Are they making another Супермен film?
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 judesmommy posted Больше года
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CornChips picked Who is Henry Cavill?:
Are they making another Superman or something? D:
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Vixie79 picked I have no opinion on this subject.:
Yeah they are. Henry plays Charles Brandon on The Tudors series. I can't say right now if he will be good as Superman. I'll have to see it first. I do love him as Charles though. The Tudors is a good series.
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slash5 picked I have no opinion on this subject.:
I don't know. Brandon Routh reminds me of Christhoper Reeve. Henry Cavill dosen't. ://
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