Сверхъестественное Сверхъестественное Links
screenrant.com -BY RHYS MCGINLEY - Dean Winchester loves and cherishes many things, including music. In Supernatural, he made his adoration know through these iconic quotes.
1 fan
screenrant.com - BY RHYS MCGINLEY - Whether it be through hurtful lies, believing he knows better than Sam, или imposing his will on Sam's life, Dean often betrays Sam in Supernatural.
1 fan
screenrant.com -BY RHYS MCGINLEY - While Сверхъестественное was a drama on The CW, it also had some funny moments. Here are Dean Winchester's most hilarious lines from the show.
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TVGuide By Keisha Hatchett
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screenrant.com -BY жасмин GALLUP - Trying to save the world is all well and good, but what really drives Dean to pick a battle with God? Episode 15 of Сверхъестественное holds the answer.
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1 fan
screenrant.com -BY ROSE MOORE - Fifteen seasons later, Сверхъестественное has come to a close - but how do the opening and closing lines of the main characters reflect their growth?
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screenrant.com -BY PADRAIG COTTER - Sam and Dean Winchester went through a lot of family troubles on Supernatural, and here's each time they had to kill members of their own clan.
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bleedingcool.com - by луч, рэй Flook
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screenrant.com -BY жасмин GALLUP - Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki have played Dean and Sam Winchester in Сверхъестественное since 2005, but who else has gotten a crack at the roles?
1 fan