Taylor Lautner and Taylor быстрый, стремительный, свифт Do Ты think they will actually last as a couple?

Pick one:
Totally, they're meant for each other...
NO way, they are still in their teens
NO WAY!! taylor быстрый, стремит- ельный, свифт doesn&# 39; t deserve taylor...
NO WAY!! taylor быстрый, стремительный, свифт doesn't deserve taylor lautner
Added by twilightlvr34
Swifty doesnt want tay-tay
Added by genyva
They broke up. A great relationship OVER!
Added by zanesaaomgfan
not really sure, I like them but it&# 39; s hard to...
not really sure, I like them but it's hard to imagine that something like that wi
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
 xXBubbleGumXx posted Больше года
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