Выбор фанов: Of course! I'm dying for it!
Of course! I&# 39; m dying for it! |
No, thanks. I&# 39; m fine without... |
Выбор фанов: most lovable fanppoper
Выбор фанов: This is such an honor!!! :)
This is such an honor!!! :) |
Выбор фанов: godzillaman999
Выбор фанов: yeah! It's a very prestigious award... on the internet... on this website...
Выбор фанов: Just party it up and celebrate early....or late however Ты want to look at it
Выбор фанов: Omg no,It's only a few hours away? I'm nowhere near ready
Выбор фанов: Testing Cammie's skills as a bartender. But no worries-I'm vomit free since '93!
Выбор фанов: Winning something as awesome as a Fanpoppy? That's almost possimpible!
Выбор фанов: Something formal!
Выбор фанов: Sounds pretty cool, I'll get round to nominating before it ends.
Выбор фанов: Yeah, but I haven't прокомментировал(-а)
Выбор фанов: It's going to be legen..wait for it..dary!! LEGENDARY!!
Выбор фанов: No, this is AWESOME!
Выбор фанов: when Ты think about all the work everyone put in, i guess.
Выбор фанов: An official Fanpoppy Иконка for your Профиль
Выбор фанов: Далее year's Fanpoppies!
Выбор фанов: Weren't these the only Fanpoppies?
Выбор фанов: I'm nervous but excited also!
Выбор фанов: Good luck, everybody!
Выбор фанов: Put it somewhere so everyone can see it
Выбор фанов: Oh No! I'd better send off my votes, tout suite!
Выбор фанов: "Don't Stop Believein'" by Journey
Выбор фанов: Stuffing myself full of Fanpoppy delights. (Remember, it's a cash bar!)
Выбор фанов: Check the security footage to see who украл, палантин your Fanpoppy then steal it back.
Выбор фанов: Look up "constructive" and "criticism" so you'll know what you've won for.
Выбор фанов: Freak Out- Now the nicest person on Fanpop, can Ты ever do something mean again?
Выбор фанов: Try to live up to the great honor and continue submitting great Fanpop content.
Выбор фанов: Continue Fanpopping as normal!
Выбор фанов: yes but only if hes tied up, chained up and guarded
Выбор фанов: Just carrying on with my life as normal AKA fanpopping.
Выбор фанов: none i'm going to blackmail one
Выбор фанов: always tomorrow.
Выбор фанов: Lifetime Achievement Award
Выбор фанов: having one of the spots that i have created win
having one of the spots that i... |
Выбор фанов: Keep drinking. I skipped out to the bar nine awards back.
Выбор фанов: I'm not going. I wasn't 'Fanpopmous' enough. *sniff*
Выбор фанов: As big as it makes your сердце feel when Ты win one.
Выбор фанов: yes, it was his idea! he'll have to be!
Выбор фанов: No way! That's awesome, I'm going to do that right away
Выбор фанов: I'd never win a Fanpoppy.
Выбор фанов: No. I'll never win something as prestigious as a Fanpoppy.
Выбор фанов: by private message, so it's decided by the Фаны AND it's a surprise