The Help Updates

a poll Добавлено: Vote for a New Club Иконка Больше года by DarkSarcasm
a poll Добавлено: Vote for a New Club Banner Больше года by DarkSarcasm
a comment was made to the poll: ** Potential Spoiler ** Больше года by DarkSarcasm
a link Добавлено: Иконка & Banner Alert! Больше года by DarkSarcasm
an icon Добавлено: The Help - Иконка Suggestion Больше года by DarkSarcasm
fan art Добавлено: The Help - Banner Suggestion Больше года by DarkSarcasm
a photo Добавлено: The Help (2011) Poster Больше года by DarkSarcasm
a question Добавлено: If you could change the ending to the Help by Kathryn Stockett, what would you change? Больше года by AmberCastro
a comment was made to the poll: Your Избранное protagonist (main character)? Больше года by Alchemistlover
a reply was made to the forum post: The Characters Больше года by coolsinger198
a comment was made to the poll: Did Ты prefer the book или the movie? Больше года by jollyjojo
a comment was made to the poll: Which character are Ты most like? Больше года by jollyjojo
a video Добавлено: Emma Stone Interview - "The Help" film and Civil Rights Больше года by charmedgirl1996
a video Добавлено: The Help | Behind the Scenes | Jackson, Mississippi Больше года by charmedgirl1996
a comment was made to the photo: TERRIBLE AWFUL! Больше года by SvetlanaGrimm
a poll Добавлено: What is the saddest scene in the movie? Больше года by hglover210
a comment was made to the link: Skeeter club! Больше года by MoonshoesPerry
a link Добавлено: Skeeter club! Больше года by AislingYJ
a comment was made to the article: My Review of "the Help" movie Больше года by AislingYJ
an answer was added to this question: What do you think happens to Minny in the end? Больше года by charmedgirl1996
a pop quiz question Добавлено: Why does Minnie think the pie story is so important for the book? Больше года by AislingYJ
a pop quiz question Добавлено: What makes Aibeline change her mind about helping Skeeter write the book? Больше года by AislingYJ
a comment was made to the screencap: The Help Больше года by butterkrisp
a comment was made to the photo: "You is important.." Больше года by hglover210
a comment was made to the poll: Did Ты think that the movie did justice to the book? Больше года by makintosh
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: What happens to Skeeter's relationship with Stuart Whitworth by the end of the novel? Больше года by iloveprivate
a comment was made to the poll: Have Ты read the book and seen the movie? Больше года by iloveprivate
a pop quiz question Добавлено: At the end of the novel, how does шарлотка, шарлотта Phelan declare she is going to deal with her cancer? Больше года by xDark_Angelx
a pop quiz question Добавлено: Who is the writer of "the Help." Больше года by xDark_Angelx
a pop quiz question Добавлено: What happens to Skeeter's relationship with Stuart Whitworth by the end of the novel? Больше года by xDark_Angelx
a comment was made to the poll: Did Ты cry when Ты saw the movie? Больше года by ErnieHannah333
a pop quiz question Добавлено: What does Aibelline call Miss Leefolt's son? Больше года by arcangel522
a pop quiz question Добавлено: Who is Celia Foote married to? Больше года by puppylove15
a poll Добавлено: Did Ты prefer the book или the movie? Больше года by TwinCherrie
a poll Добавлено: Did Ты cry when Ты saw the movie? Больше года by diannaagron34
a link Добавлено: Celia's Own Club Больше года by TwinCherrieVee
a pop quiz question Добавлено: What does Mabmoblee call Aibileen? Больше года by bfflvvh
a comment was made to the pop quiz question: What was the "surprise" in Minny's pie? Больше года by bfflvvh
a screencap Добавлено: The Help Больше года by codecracker3
a pop quiz question Добавлено: What was the Еда Skeeter was not a ''fan'' of on her секунда дата with Stuart? Больше года by maddelura
a link Добавлено: See the full movie free here! Больше года by maria1111
a pop quiz question Добавлено: What does Minnie call Miss Celia's husband? Больше года by sugarspice101
a pop quiz question Добавлено: What does Aibileen call Miss Leefolt's little girl? Больше года by sugarspice101
a pop quiz question Добавлено: What is the name of the column that Skeeter writes with the help of Aibileen? Больше года by sugarspice101
a pop quiz question Добавлено: What is the name of the maid that use to care of Skeeter as a child? Больше года by sugarspice101
a pop quiz question Добавлено: Which maid works for Miss Leefolt? Больше года by sugarspice101
a pop quiz question Добавлено: Kathryn Stockett is African American. True или False. Больше года by sugarspice101
a pop quiz question Добавлено: Who is the Автор of The Help? Больше года by sugarspice101
a pop quiz question Добавлено: Skeeter has a brother AND a sister. True или Больше года by sugarspice101
a pop quiz question Добавлено: Celia Foote is played by who? Больше года by sugarspice101