So I am putting this up for any of Ты guys who have any theories about anything in HOO series (Carter-Percy conneciton included) no matter how crackpot it seems. WARNING: SPOILERS FROM Назад Книги MAY OCCUR!!! Just have some form of evidence for your theories. Ill start with mine, I think in order to defeat Gaea Percy is gonna have to call on Carter to form an alliance between the Greek/Roman gods and the Egyptian ones.
Опубликовано Больше года
Team LEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't Ты think it's so sad when Echo stays and leo like loves her? they're perfect together!! i just realised that.
Опубликовано Больше года
I finally got mark of athena!!!!!!!!!!! I am like so happy it was soooo EPIC!!!!! Далее book:House of Hades!! But for now.....who wants to come to my party ;)
Опубликовано Больше года
Guys, please read and Комментарий on Герои of Olympus: Mark of Athena in forums. I wrote and would really appreciate comments. thanks ps, its just my prediction of the 1st chapter thanks again!
Опубликовано Больше года
Visit Rick Riordan's site. LINK: link And guess what??? This is kind of irrelevant but: 2011RICK RIORDAN IS COMING TO WHERE I LIVE! AHHHH! LINK: link
Опубликовано Больше года
I wrote my version of the son of neptune and what be think its going to be like If Ты want to read it but in Google the son of neptune Fanpop by i_luv_percy
Опубликовано Больше года
Watch this video, wait til the end coz there is a... DANCING BIRD!!! The Остаться в живых Hero/More Trailer - The Son of Neptune Book video - Fanpop Watch until the end! There is also a dancing bird... Who says Книги are boring???
I don't mean to be spamming but I just made a new club The Son of Neptune Book and wanted to know if Ты или anyone can check it out? It's good for Форумы and such??
Ive read all the percy Книги and im now Чтение Остаться в живых hero. It is so good. Except i want to cry every time they talk about Percy. If Ты didnt read PJ&O then the Остаться в живых hero ruined alot for you...:/Больше года