haha, I just watched it (completely) last night on FX XD I've been trying to watch it since it started playing on TV though ;D
Опубликовано Больше года
Listen they remade it cuz they wanted 2! The named it tht to honor the original producer! Nothing is going to remove the original frm our hearts no matter how good the remake is! WHAT!Больше года
I watched the original first. I pretty much was forced to watch the fake in school in 8th grade. Man, I was pissed because some rubbish was a remake of the original. And I was like, are Ты kidding me?Больше года
jaden is the hotest boy i ever seen in my life and i have seen alot of boys i broke up with my boy friend cuz he sed if i keep likin jaden he was go the носок me so i dumped him and now he sayin he want me back and at school yester день he grabed me by my arm and tryed to Kiss me so i socked him in his face and kicked him so we got suspended but he got еще days then me. i hate him but i Любовь jaden smith and one день i will be mrs.smith
Опубликовано Больше года
this is the best flim ever:) jaden smith iloveyou so much;) your a lil beauty:* and your the best singer+actor i the world:) so is jb Ты guys are like bros:* iloveyou
Опубликовано Больше года