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The Phantom of the Opera (1986) Вопрос

Why on Youtube have MV of Phantom of the opera [1986]? It's a musical(on stage),isn't it?

I just want to know why on Youtube have song Phantom of the opera 1986 version that sung by sarah brightman. It have in movie version too? because now I'm 14 years old and I really want to watch 1986 version!!
oh I mean whole part of the story not just songs
yoyafah posted Больше года
THX a lot! In fact I want to hear Sarah Brightman sing. I saw some songs already.
yoyafah posted Больше года
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The Phantom of the Opera (1986) Ответы

XChatterbox14x said:
erm i'm not really sure what Ты mean, i take it Ты want to watch some clips of the 1986 stage show? Not the movie?? On Youtube i have seen some parts of the andrew lloyd webber stage Показать with brightman and crawford, but not the whole show. However there are some whole Показать Видео on there,divided into lots of parts but they are recent. (2bh i prefer watching Последнее footage of the stage show) i guess there's not much stage Показать 1986 footage because it's rare :) hopes this helps xxx
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