The Thorn Birds Updates

a comment was made to the fan art: The thorn birds Больше года by Rdmeal01
a comment was made to the video: The Thorn Birds (2) - FULL MOVIE Больше года by Louisevster
a comment was made to the poll: Do u prefer book или movie? Больше года by rcfan77
a comment was made to the poll: Do Ты think Meggie acted mean when she left Ralph at the cemetery after telling him that Dane was his son? Больше года by rcfan77
a video Добавлено: the story of the thorn birds Больше года by Gabri3la
a comment was made to the poll: Who do Ты like еще of Meggie's kids? Больше года by HoltNLucy4Ever
a comment was made to the poll: Favourite Meggie? Больше года by HoltNLucy4Ever
a comment was made to the poll: What do u think of Luke? Больше года by HoltNLucy4Ever
fan art Добавлено: What more? In the name of love! Больше года by Gabri3la
a video Добавлено: The Thorn Birds - Gravity of Любовь Больше года by Gabri3la
a photo Добавлено: Meggie and Ralph On пляж, пляжный Больше года by 80snewromantic
a video Добавлено: The Thorn Birds - Forgiven Больше года by Hobbitgal
a video Добавлено: The Thorn Birds - Ralph Больше года by Hobbitgal
a comment was made to the poll: Do u think Ralph should have gave up church to marry Meggie? Больше года by Hobbitgal
a video Добавлено: The Thorn Birds - Meggie Больше года by Hobbitgal
an icon Добавлено: The Thorn Birds Больше года by Gabri3la
a comment was made to the poll: How often do Ты watch the movies? Больше года by InLoveWithJesus
a comment was made to the poll: better looking? Больше года by CaterdayGirl
a poll Добавлено: How often do Ты watch the movies? Больше года by InLoveWithJesus
a wallpaper Добавлено: Rachel Ward Обои Больше года by InLoveWithJesus
a poll Добавлено: Who do Ты like еще of Meggie's kids? Больше года by InLoveWithJesus
a poll Добавлено: better looking? Больше года by InLoveWithJesus
a poll Добавлено: Do Ты think Meggie acted mean when she left Ralph at the cemetery after telling him that Dane was his son? Больше года by InLoveWithJesus
a video Добавлено: Meggie's theme Больше года by InLoveWithJesus
an answer was added to this question: hy:) i would like to know if there is any clip of the theme song ''thorn birds' in which the whole orchestra appears Больше года by InLoveWithJesus
a pop quiz question Добавлено: Who сказал(-а) this: "Thank you. I want to go back into her." ? Больше года by InLoveWithJesus
a poll Добавлено: Least favourite Meggie? Больше года by InLoveWithJesus
a poll Добавлено: Favourite Meggie? Больше года by InLoveWithJesus
a pop quiz question Добавлено: Was Frank Padraic Cleary´s son? Больше года by dodiro
a video Добавлено: The thorn birds - Ralph and Meggie Больше года by cunha27
a link Добавлено: The Book is Always Better Больше года by Dellycup
an article Добавлено: One Superlative song, existence the price: A review of The Thorn Birds Больше года by Dellycup
a video Добавлено: The Thorn Birds Meggie/Ralph - You'll Sit Alone Forever Больше года by Gabri3la
a link Добавлено: The Thorn Birds Больше года by raa_minyila
a link Добавлено: The Thorn Birds Больше года by raa_minyila
a question Добавлено: hy:) i would like to know if there is any clip of the theme song ''thorn birds' in which the whole orchestra appears Больше года by vivi_nut