Hi everyone! I have 3 Титаник ship banks cast in solid bronze for sale. They would make great bookends! I am selling them for $50.00 each plus $20.00 shipping. Thanks!
Опубликовано Больше года
Since this год marks 20 years since Titanic's release (already!), would anyone buy a 20th Anniversary Edition of the movie? It could be an extended edition или a 4K release. I will create a poll, if anyone is interested in voting! Our request for a 20th Anniversary Edition should be heard, therefore I urge everyone to contact 20th Century лиса, фокс via this page: link and request it!
Опубликовано Больше года
I actually found my Rose DeWitt Bukater Doll today. AT LONG LAST! It's the vinyl Franklin Mint version, the one that most closely resembles Kate Winslet as Rose in the movie. She was at the thrift store. Praise God!!!!! Grateful and ecstatic moment. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Опубликовано Больше года
Watched last week for the first time in years since i was a kid. It has a lot of story issues don't get me wrong and the Любовь story shouldn't be as believable as it is but yeah just brought back a sense of nostalgia and reminded me how great the Актёрское искусство was particularly on Kate's part and still pacts the emotion.
Опубликовано Больше года
FUN FACT: I just bought "Titanic Deluxe Collector's Edition" from 2005 and along with "James Cameron's Титаник Book" only at 15€!!!! I couldn't believe in my eyes when I saw the opportunity so I just grabbed it!!! I can't believe how many special feautures the DVD has!
Опубликовано Больше года
Does anyone know what happened to the official website of "Titanic"?? The one with the 3D poster on it... I can't open it anymore... :'(
Опубликовано Больше года
Tifanics!!! I am interested in buying the 2012 book "James Cameron's Titanic" which is a re-release of the 1997 book, so can anyone tell me if it is worth the money?
Опубликовано Больше года
I absolutely Любовь the book Jodi Piccoult wrote with her daughter (Samantha фургон, ван Leer) , "Between the Lines". This book is absolutely brilliant and romantic! I couldn't put it down! have created a Fanpop club specifically for people like me who have fallen in Любовь with this book and wouldn't be able to handle the wait until May 19th, when the sequel comes out. Please join! If Ты Любовь the epic Титаник romance, Ты will Любовь this Фэнтези novel!
Опубликовано Больше года
i Любовь this film so much!! i have only seen it recently, and i don't know how many times i cried. such a sad but still brilliant film.
Опубликовано Больше года
I saw this movie last night for the first time... and I never knew I could cry so much during a film... it was the most romantic, loving, heart-breaking and wonderful movie I think I have ever seen... the Музыка was great and the actors and Актрисы adorable.. full of Любовь and emotion.. I loved it ♥♥♥
Опубликовано Больше года
Everytime I see this movie I cry.. I watched a lot of sad Фильмы but Титаник is the only movie that I can watch everyday and still would make me cry... Its so emotional. One word: EPIC ;)
Опубликовано Больше года
Fanpop friends! My dog Bruno is MISSING and he is really important to my family my mom wakes up everyday crying! I need everyones help to bring him home!! His name is Bruno he's Black and he's big. his breed is a chow chow mix please bring him home!!!! contact me on Fanpop или @ 3067722. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Опубликовано Больше года
I Любовь this movie so much! I Тест my Друзья on it and drive them nuts! I have to watch this movie at least 3 times a week или I'll go crazy!
Опубликовано Больше года
ah titanic. the story of love, bravery, and tragedy. young beautiful rose, a long life to lead, a life full of sorrow with calvin, then she finds peace with a young poor guy, and he ends the struggling war inside of her. but for a man like jack to have his life cut short, atleast he did it for someone he truly loved.Больше года
found Титаник on Netflix. sat in my room for almost 4 hours and had a box of tissues. I Любовь it but it always make me cry in the end.
Опубликовано Больше года
I was 10 years old when Титаник came out in theater i thought Leonardo Dicaprio was the cutest man on the planet now what happened to him, did Ты know that there was J. Dawson on the Титаник but we will never know what the J means and i heard there was a mummy on board. There is only 2 scene's that i do not like when Jack died and when the mother and baby drowned. I can not stand Cal and his right hand man
Опубликовано Больше года
if i was Rose, i would cherish EVERY moment of the TITANIC. only when Jack dies of frost bite and sinks to the bottom of the ocean. DAMN Розы FIANCEE/EX!
Опубликовано Больше года
i Любовь Любовь Любовь Любовь Любовь Любовь Любовь Любовь Любовь Любовь Любовь Любовь Любовь Любовь Любовь Любовь Любовь Любовь Любовь Любовь Любовь Любовь Любовь Любовь I could say еще love's but I would be to tired I own this movie so I can watch it whenever I want too. I Любовь TITANIC!!!!!!!!!
Опубликовано Больше года
I Любовь this movie. it's my favorite! and i have learned soooooooooooooooo much about the Титаник and it's just AWESOME! but some parts make me feel so sad. in some parts of the movie i almost cried! tears tears. But still MY Избранное MOVIE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Опубликовано Больше года
I've heard of Ты bratty Титаник Фаны getting people banned for being a Фан of Cal. That's extremely pathetic, Ты know. To criticize one's opinion like that. Shame on whoever was a part of it.
Опубликовано Больше года
well i just don't like him because he is obviously abusive, rude, selfish, domineering, and cares about nothing except for money. he is a selfish S.O.BБольше года
in the past 15 years i watched this movie many times. first time was with a boy in the same high school, last time was with my husband.different poeple,different life,different feeling.but no matter how difference, i'll still always Любовь this movie. maybe in the future i'll watch it again with my little girl, and she'll say: Leo is so cute
Опубликовано Больше года