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Behind The Scenes > Asos Magazine (2010)
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posted by twilight-7
Guys, three at once! My exams are starting to come too close together for me! Maths and English one after the other! EEK! So, just before I begin the long weekend of revising I've decided to post these three chapters to keep Ты busy. I promise to write еще for Далее weeked because I have a week off! Yay! Lol, enjoy!

Kayla’s POV

I felt dazed and disorientated. It was dark but not just normal dark. It was total darkness. Not a hint of light anywhere. I was lying down on cold hard stone and when I sat up I heard the clink of chains. I shook my left arm and chains rattled in the darkness. I was...
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Ok so i havent been Письмо what? my sever was down so dont blame me for ANYTHING but this chapter is alittle to short and i think its crap but just read and rate!!

I never thought things would happen like this but it did and everthing was fine, for now. Renesmee and Trenton spoke and played around like nothing ever happened. Weird. Ness would be up the Стена или plumiting into the sky if she was me when i was a human.
I snapped back to reality and Edward was watching my facial expressions change. "Is somthing wrong love?" He asked as if he didnt know. "Wel I've been thinking about Trenton and...
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Chapter 26: The огонь Within

As the flames engulfed my entire body I was surrounded by darkness. “Am I dead” I wondered to myself. Then the realization came to me that if I was dead this must be hell. There are no other words to explain the level of pain that I was experiencing. Every single cell in my body felt as though it had been dipped in acid. As the pulsating pain in one part of my body would lessen it would spread and then intensify to another area. My body writhed with the invisible огонь that consumed me whole. I didn’t know where I was или what had lead to this, I couldn’t remember...
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posted by mikaela_isabela
HEYYY!!! sorry it took so long guys, i Остаться в живых my hard-drive, and i have been freaking out!!! so i found it, but i had so many requests to write one that it's a little short...sorry, but enjoy!!!

We were all Холодное сердце for about two thirds of second. Thai, Nate and Ben moved to the cliff’s edge to stand Thackery’s flanks. I moved to the front of the Cullen’s and the Quileute’s.
“Can Ты find your own way back to the car?” I asked panicked, fear coursing through every cell in my body.
“But wh-?” Carlisle started, but another tremor ran through the cliff again.
“You guys have to get out...
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posted by just_bella
I сказал(-а) I wasn't going to write anymore today...well I think I сказал(-а) I wasn't going to write at all today. Well here I am Письмо the Далее Emmett story. Thanks to everyone who loves this as much as I do. FYI there won't be anything new probably until Friday, have to work. Thanks guys/gals, oh and special thanks to TwilightGGlost, Ты helped me decide to write this...hope people like...please comment!!

Last time:
I managed to open my mouth and when I did a scream escaped. It was the sound that had been building through the fire, to the pins and now to the numbness that was taking over my whole being....
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Monday, April 27, 2009

Now creating newslines are Rob Pattinson and Nikki Reed who are creating numerous awkward moments for those around them while filming and off set. This evidence makes Ты wonder if there is a strained relationship between the two that is еще than friends.

Nikki reportedly crashed one of Rob's Последнее nights out with cast mates Kellan Lutz, Ashley Greene, and several other Друзья at Boneta Restaurant in Vancouver. Rob wasn't the most cordial host: "when Nikki arrived, Robert didn’t get up to say hi,” сказал(-а) an eyewitness. They continued reporting says that...
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posted by just_bella
Ok I wasn't sure I was gonna get this up this fast but people asked and Эй, I'll do it if people ask...well usually!! Hehe..ok here we go.


"Rosalie, Ты have done everything Ты could. This young man is very strong and we need to be patient." Carlisle's voice сказал(-а) as footsteps announced that he was getting closer.

"See, his wounds are starting to heal." He сказал(-а) softly.

I heard Rosalie take a deep breath in and exhale loudly. I would imagine that she was smiling right now, I was still too afraid to open my eyes to look and find out for sure.

"Let him rest, we've done all we can. It will...
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Sorry about it taking so long i was busy and i was having a huge writers block.

I woke up to the smell of breakfast down stairs, but I wasn’t sure if it was really made или if Jacob had tried to kill my кухня down stairs. I grabbed my банный халат, халат and ran down the stairs faster then a normal human could. “Jacob Black what have Ты done to my…” He turned around wearing my new фартук and had цветок all over his face. But my кухня was spotless and my Jacob was covered in food. “I tried to keep it clean so Ты wouldn’t die when Ты came down stairs.” Jacob told me while whipping the...
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Chapter 5: First день Blues (Back to Renesmee’s P.O.V)

I walked through the door of my first class at Forks High, Biology. My stomach was in a knot the excited conversations turned into quiet whispers that my classmates thought I couldn’t hear. “She’s so pale! Did Ты see her car?! Who was that guy that came to school with her and where is he?” Those were the female whispers the male contribution was even еще disturbing, “She’s hot! I’m going to ask her to the homecoming dance.” Mr. Banner, my teacher called me over to his стол письменный, стол I cringed I was afraid of this. Why can’t teachers...
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Warning: Thist is just my Фэнтези coming through. And some information to you; the story plays before Bella became a Vampire and there is no Nessie in sight. So its just for our little Jacob's sake, he needs some luving.

Where are the bloodsuckers when Ты need em...
I was never the confused type of person, neither did i start things without a plan. But like an old saying that i had heard before, there is a first time for everything. I couldnt stop myself from daydreaming, it was wonderful and yes it was annoying. I felt like a teenager, which reminded me for a second: Thats exactly what i am....
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posted by lovethecullens
“Just try to keep an open mind, I swear Ты are as bad as your mother zero fashion sense, and all the time that I have spent teaching Ты how to dress… are Ты even listening to me??” my aunt Alice grumbled as she rolled her eyes at me. Apparently my selection for my first день of high school wasn’t nearly good enough. I pulled myself in from my daydreams and let out a sigh of surrender to my most annoying yet Избранное aunt. “Ok, ok I am waving the white flag, do with me what Ты will, if it means we will be done here!”
“Nessie is your Aunt playing dress up again?” My mother...
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posted by ktbminnie12
Sorry it's so short!!!!

Edward’s POV

    It’s been four months and still no trace of Bella. I was starting to get scared. If she’s dead, I’ll die of сердце break.
    I can’t take it anymore. It’s too hard.
    We were somewhere in Alaska. We would be going back to Forks in a few days to start over. It’s all my fault Bella’s gone. I should have never left her at that party.
    If I ever get her back, I will never leave her side. I’m not even leaving her when she has to go to the bathroom. I will never...
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Эй, guys, im back! my holiday was еще full on than i thought it would be, but i still managed to get this done. hope Ты like it!

Still carrying most of her weight, I led Bella out following the directions Gianna had дана us. When we reached the rough cobble stones, Bella breathed a sigh of relief. She was the only one who looked back at the ancient castle, almost tripping on the uneven surface. I lifted her slightly, so her feet were off the ground for a second, remembering moments like this from almost eight months ago. She was still as clumsy as ever.
The Saint Marcus celebrations were...
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posted by CharmedVamp101
An час later I was waiting at the airport. I watched as Carlisle's flight moved closer and closer to the top. I walked the slow human pace towards his departure point. Everywhere I looked I saw something that reminded me of Bella,this person had the same eye color или that one was the same height. I had to find a way to distract myself. This was what was best. For her to grow old and die a happy life. She deserved that, even if I didn't. I couldn't let myself wallow in self-pity, but to think a dog was better for her, at least she would stay human. STOP! I screamed in my head. I pushed those...
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I huffed in exhaustion and effort. I tried to be far away from her as possible but of course, Leah was faster than anyone или anything. I often wondered before if she could beat Edward.

I realized Leah would pursue me all the way to Canada. She would follow me to annoy me further. So, I turned around, faced her and growled at her – every sharp teeth bared, paws apart and ready, tail straight.

I don’t want to fight with you, Jacob. So, calm down.

The grey волк stopped a few meters away in case….
In case, I decided to attack her in anger?

I shook my head. I must be insane now.

I’m sorry, Leah....
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
Blood Lust
by: BuffyFaithfan1
#################################################Chapter Five: This Is Where Every Story Begins...
I stared up at the sun, feeling its heat against my cold vampire skin. I wanted so bad to fell every thing around me. The wind. The cold. Warm, water. EVERYTHING! But I cant. I dont want to be human again, no! I just want to feel something that is real. Not just hot and cold. I want to feel all in between too! Like cool, warm, not so cool, etc. So, is this the end? The end of life? The world? или is it just the begining?...
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Ring... Ring... Ring... rang the shiny black new Blackberry. I looked at the phone to see who it was, it was Carslile checking on me. "Hello, Bella I hate to interrupt Ты at um... 3:00 a.m. But I just got some tests results saying one of your Дети has a defect it can't eat blood it can only eat plants. Thats why its wierd so I researched and I discovered that some Вампиры when they are created have a defect that allows them to eat only plants. It also сказал(-а) that they can't drink blood или eat meat otherwise they die.", Carslile сказал(-а) in a calm yet, shaken voice.

Die, I thought so what that...
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 This is what my hair looked like Yesterday, when my sister did it!
This is what my hair looked like Yesterday, when my sister did it!
Эй, guys!

Ok so this weekend i was flipping through Pictures of Kristen Stewart! I just Любовь her hair!!! i wanted it sooo badly! So my bestfirend was over and she was like "I could so do Ты hair just like hers!" i was like really? and she was like yea!

So she did my hair and it did, i swear it really came out like Kristen's i was extreamly supprised!

So i had to go to the store to get ужин right. Well if Ты havn't already picked it up! The new issue of Life&Style has Robert and Kristen on the front page!

ITs a good articel seriously i recomned Ты guys going to get it! Its all about how...
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posted by NessNess
This is my first venture into any sort of Фан fiction so if Ты could leave a Комментарий telling me what to improve on that would be great. Thanks!

Forks High School isn't that big, I thought frantically. Miniscule, in fact, compared to my old school in Phoenix. Its ridiculous for me to get lost! As I groped for my schedule to try and figure out where Building 3 was, I internally tried to write this off as stress или hunger. PMS, even. But deep down I knew why I was so scatterbrained that particular morning. I scowled at the shining sun. Why did it have to come out at all? I knew I was being silly....
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Ch 8 My Sick Days

A/N: I own no characters.
Plz R&R!
Sorry to keep Ты waiting so long. There's a bunch of excuses and I know Ты don't want to hear them!

Bella POV

Finally, I woke up. It was 3:00 AM. I wondered how I had slept so late.

I wrote Charlie a note. Explaining I was sick and would not go to school the Далее day, or, technically, today. I felt really crappy. And, my head hurt! At least I had something to distract me from my heart.

Anytime I even thought of them, the little edges around the hole would tear and burn. Sometimes, I even regretted ever finding out who they were. I mean,...
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