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I found this and i thought this was interesting. Some IMDb stats. This Автор has some nerve calling twilight "The Covenant" grrrr, but anyway enjoy =D
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5 fans
"YOU CAN SEE THE FUTURE! Is your name Alice? Cuz just like that cool Cullen chick, you've got some mad skills when it comes to predicting the future.." COOOL. I Любовь ALICE! :]
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Больше года
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"When you're hot and new in Hollywood, Ты not only have to act fast — Ты have to act in good movies. And right now, there's nobody hotter than "Twilight" звезда Robert Pattinson. So, what's he going to do next?
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5 fans
The time when Edward left in New Moon told from both Edwards and Carlsiles POV
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5 fans