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Team Breaking Dawn was started last год as a group that loves BD and all the Twilight books. Now they have their own Форум so Присоединиться up!
Больше года
3 fans
3 fans
For all those who are Team Edward
3 fans
This was hilarious!!
3 fans
3 fans
This is stupid. That boy has some seriously problem. BUT DON'T BLAME TWILIGHT FOR IT! Gosh... Enough said.
3 fans
3 fans
Robert Pattinson is priceless. "He could be a piece of cheese and she'd say the same thing". He kills me. Love.
Больше года
3 fans
A Twilight Статья that is a companion to the AP video from the Associated Press.
3 fans
They're actually giving away an actual t-shirt and a pair of sneakers worn by Rob in the 'How To Be' film!
3 fans