1. real Вампиры DON'T sparkle ( SM completely ruined the real image of Вампиры creative i don't think so)
2 The story line is pointless it goes no where all it is, girl meets vampire, they fall in Любовь crazy evil vampire tries to kill girl, vampire saves girl vampire leaves girl because he thinks he's too dangerous girl almost commits suicide girl finds vampire before he commits suicide girl gets back with vampire vampire asks girl to marry him girl marries vampire vampire manages to procreate with girl girl almost dies from having a demon baby, the end
3 the story was written from a very short dream the rest was forced ideas.
4 The story is sending a bad message to young adults it's making them think that they have to do all that stuff in a relationship to make it perfect!
5. bella is not someone girls should look up to еще like look down to.
6 it's very Болталка but not in a good way SM throws in Болталка evil Вампиры and tries to think of an interesting way to get the good Вампиры out of the situation
7. it is based of so many Книги im surprised no one has sued her yet
8 most of the book is just bella going on about how good looking edward is if that was removed the book would be liked 100 pages metaphorically speaking
9. since when do dead things get people pregnant for god sakes edward is a vampire!( not really) Вампиры can't reproduce there dead! Ты don't see dead people making Дети do Ты only pure blood Вампиры can have children because their not DEAD
10. her whole idea of Вампиры not having fangs and venom is stupid how are they supposed to suck blood through a syringe?
11. Животные blood? blood thirst creatures controlling their thirst what!t the hell that is stupid! even the nice Вампиры drink human blood to survive duh!
12. it is brainwashing SM is an evil witch DON'T READ TWILIGHT!
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2 The story line is pointless it goes no where all it is, girl meets vampire, they fall in Любовь crazy evil vampire tries to kill girl, vampire saves girl vampire leaves girl because he thinks he's too dangerous girl almost commits suicide girl finds vampire before he commits suicide girl gets back with vampire vampire asks girl to marry him girl marries vampire vampire manages to procreate with girl girl almost dies from having a demon baby, the end
3 the story was written from a very short dream the rest was forced ideas.
4 The story is sending a bad message to young adults it's making them think that they have to do all that stuff in a relationship to make it perfect!
5. bella is not someone girls should look up to еще like look down to.
6 it's very Болталка but not in a good way SM throws in Болталка evil Вампиры and tries to think of an interesting way to get the good Вампиры out of the situation
7. it is based of so many Книги im surprised no one has sued her yet
8 most of the book is just bella going on about how good looking edward is if that was removed the book would be liked 100 pages metaphorically speaking
9. since when do dead things get people pregnant for god sakes edward is a vampire!( not really) Вампиры can't reproduce there dead! Ты don't see dead people making Дети do Ты only pure blood Вампиры can have children because their not DEAD
10. her whole idea of Вампиры not having fangs and venom is stupid how are they supposed to suck blood through a syringe?
11. Животные blood? blood thirst creatures controlling their thirst what!t the hell that is stupid! even the nice Вампиры drink human blood to survive duh!
12. it is brainwashing SM is an evil witch DON'T READ TWILIGHT!
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