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added by Mimeko
Source: vampiressuckmovie.com
added by october_song
added by hotvampiregrl
added by majk3la
Source: sorry for this quality .
added by ded99
added by Love_Today
Source: Charli
added by october_song
added by hotvampiregrl
added by Mimeko
Source: vampiressuckmovie.com
added by zanhar1
added by DeadPegasus29
posted by suzyisbrute
B-4 vamps suck even came out me and my brothers and there Друзья Dorathy and Emily were working on a "movie" called "the toilet saga" witch was a "smellpire" and "smellwolf"movie example:eclipse would be peclipes.
So the main characters were:"Smella" and "snifward".
played by Cory and Dorathy who were very good at there parts and there was also a smellwolf (the other 2 were smellpires)
named "stinkub"(played by Ian)who was just so stupid he tried to steal "smella" away if your wondering im an anti twilight so yea.The last was "Smellice" (played by yours truly)smella's bff who gets turned into...
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added by hotvampiregrl
added by Love_Today
Source: Charli
added by zanhar1
added by majk3la
Source: sorry for this quality .
added by hotvampiregrl
Ok, when I saw this moive I thought, "OK, I just wasted 80 минуты of my life, and 6 dollars out of my wallet." Talk about TERRIBLE! For all Ты Twilight Фаны out there, if Ты think it's gonna be a funnier version of Twilight, Ты are so DEAD WRONG. And for all Ты Twilight haters, if Ты think that this movie will be making fun of Twilight, your right.....in a bad way! Seriously, I'd rather watch Barney!!!!!!! And I'm a TEEN. Ya, it was that bad.

But seriously, how many of Ты want to see Edward NAKED?

Didn't think so.

And for those of Ты idiots who wouldn't mind seeing Robert Pattinson.....unclothed.....It...
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