Вампиры vs. Werewolf Club
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 Renesmee ( Taylor )
Renesmee ( Taylor )
After Daniel left I could smell the волк pack getting closer. I hoped that Daniel was far away from here so that none could see him. Suddenly out of no where a huge russet волк came out ready to attack. It took me a секунда to realize it was Jacob. He was ready to attack me. But why would he want to attack me? Then it hit me that Daniel's smell was here. Aka the smell that was in my room. Jacob must think I'm Daniel because Daniel's smell must be around. And Jacob would attack Daniel if he was here. But I was the one here with Daniel's scent around me.

Jacob was running like a bullet try to...
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posted by cici1264
new moon
Эй, Twilight Фаны here are some еще New Moon spoilers:What was it like for New Moon волк pack member Kiowa (Embry) having to cut his hair? He spills: "I've had long hair since the seventh grade, to my shoulders. Our hair has to be short when we become werewolves. I had no idea they were going to cut it. Oh man!"

As Ты know, New Moon is all about meeting the волк pack! Kiowa Gordon, who plays Embry, had a blast filming in Vancouver and described a typical день on set! He dishes: "We spend an час in makeup getting darker and they enhanced our abs. It was really cold, one degree Celsius!...
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 Renesmee ( Taylor )
Renesmee ( Taylor )
After Daniel left I wondered where he went off to. And why did he leave? What did Daniel see that made him freak out the way he did? All these Вопросы ran through my mind like crazy. "Seth do Ты know anything about what is going on? What's Daniel up to?" I asked. "Ya I do. but I can't tell you. You'll find our sooner или later." Seth mumbled. "Ugh. Fine. But I'm not going anywhere tell I know what it is that is going on. No matter what." I said. "Oh we'll see about. That Ты know how Daniel is." Seth said. "Ya sure whatever." I replied.

10 минуты later Daniel came back. But not empty handed....
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posted by cici1264
Эй, Twilight Фаны here are some еще New Moon spoilers: Taylor Lautner tells Access Hollywood that "there's a lot еще going in New Moon, that's for sure. There is like, heartbreak, and oh it's horrible! New Moon will rip your сердце to shreds."
So, what can the Фаны expect from NM? Taylor Lautner reveals: "The Фаны need to know that New Moon is gonna be stepped up a whole nother notch and I can guarantee Ты that. The storyline is fantastic, there's going to be еще action, there's Волколаки now, there's going to be some cool, cool CGI and it's really going great so far and they're going to...
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posted by cici1264
new moon
Эй, Twilight Фаны here are some New Moon spoilers: In the movie there is going to be еще Edward than the book. Because instead of Bella hearing Edward's voice in her head she will she see Видео of Edward in her head.
The scene where Mike, Bella, and Jacob go to a horror movie ,and Mike gets sick and runs out of theater.Well, according to Mike Welch (who plays Mike), that scene was almost cut from the movie! He tells MTV news: "Kristen and Taylor had to lobby to get this one scene in the film that wasn't originally in - and I am forever indebted to them for that." There's another scene secret...
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posted by cici1264
Эй, Twilight Фаны here some еще New Moon spoilers: In New Moon, Bella has a nightmare that Robert Pattinson (Edward) says will shock fans! "Edward is a kind of demon and people are probably going to be like, 'What? No! Ты can't do that,'" Rob dishes. "So hopefully people are going to be a little freaked out by it." Kristen (Bella) adds, "He gets a chance to be a little еще scary in the dream sequences, not so perfect."
Even though Robert Pattinson played Пианино in Twilight and sang a song on the soundtrack, he will (unfortunately!) not be Пение in New Moon.We couldn't see anyone but Robert...
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 Renesmee ( Taylor )
Renesmee ( Taylor )
I spent the whole night thinking about the note warning me about the Volturi and who could have sent it. And who was in my room. But I came up with nothing. I read the note again to see if I recognized the handwriting but I didn't. One thing was for sure that who ever it was knew me way to well. Specially now that they had all my stuff from the future. "What are Ты thinking about?" I jumped off my постель, кровати ready to run if it was the Volturi and gasped.

Out of no where Aunt Alice shows up in my room. "Sorry. Did I scare Ты Taylor? she asked "Ya Ты did. But it's fine. I thought Ты were Edward...
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 Renesmee ( Taylor )
Renesmee ( Taylor )
Nessie comes back from the future and pretends to be Bella's sister. But she can't tell anyone that she is from the future, and that she is Bella's and Edward's daughter. But it will be hard because Edward can read her mind and find out who she is. Alice can't see her and might think that Nessie is a werewolf. And Nessie also looks like Bella and Edward and that might give the secret away. Jacob might see her and imprint on her. And she acts like a vampire.

"Taylor come on hurry up we are going to be late for school!" mom shouted while I was sneaking back into my window after a full night...
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posted by cici1264
new moon
Эй, Twilight Фаны here are some New Moon spoilers:If you're worried that the flick won't compare to your beloved New Moon book, fear no more! RPattz dishes that the movie "is as close as possible to the book as Ты can get!"
If Ты ever found yourself on any set of the Twilight flicks and heard directors yell "Number 2" that means Rob's arriving on set! "Number 2" is Rob's secret code name during filming! Did Ты know that Rob Pattinson actually feels bad for Jacob since Edward always gets Bella? Rob tells ET: "It's so depressing for Jacob because Ты find the Любовь of your life and Ты know...
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posted by cici1264
new moon
Эй, Twilight Фаны here some еще New Moon spoilers: Remember when there was talk that Taylor Lautner almost Остаться в живых his role as Jacob for New Moon? Well, who was really rooting for Taylor? Co-stars Nikki Reed and Kristen Stewart! Nikki spills: "Kristen and I went to Africa together, and on the way back we realized, it was like the last час on this plane ride and we realized we were going to know if Taylor had gotten the part when we landed because he found out when we were gone. We were gone for three weeks, our hands were sweating!
"Why is Kellan excited to play Emmett in New Moon? In an interview...
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 Renesmee ( Taylor )
Renesmee ( Taylor )
1 год and 5 months later....

I was running away from my problems by running from Forks. I didn't know where we were going. All I could think about was Jacob. I had told him everything, and even showed everything about the future I came from. Показ him every thing made him realize that what Daniel and I was telling him the truth about every single thing. He might have already told the pack about what we told him. Every time I closed my eyes all I could see was Jacob. The expression he had after I told him my secret. He looked upset but also relived to finally know what was going on.

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posted by green6244
Okay, so i found some of these online and I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THESE! These are some funny twilight Цитаты или ways to look at Twilight from a different angle.

-(About Edward) He moves quickly, he doesn't kill, he sparkles; face it. Edward sin't a vampire: he's a fairy!

-Jacob или Edward? Man, Bella's stupid! How could she pick Edward?

- Edward watches Bella sleep. It's not nice или protective! it's stalking! That's right! Edward Cullen is a stalker!

-I wanna La Push Edward off a cliff!

-Wanna see my dick? It sparkles!-Edward Cullen

-What were Ты guys doing last night; discussing the national debt?-Emmett Cullen

That last one was just one of my Избранное Цитаты of Emmett's. Ты may be able to tell, but I am Team Jacob. But if i could pick ANY guy in the Saga, it'd probably be Emmett или Seth.
 Renesmee ( Taylor )
Renesmee ( Taylor )
When I woke up the Далее день I found myself in my room, in Charlie's house. I wasn't the only in my room. Edward and Bella were both standing in the right-left corner of my room. Just staring with suspicion, anger, worried and relief in their eyes. I knew was in big trouble. Great just what I need. I tell that they wanted to know why I ran away for a год and 5 months with even calling. What was I going to tell them? How was I going to explain it to them? "I ran away because I'm running from the Volturi. After Jacob found out that I'm from here. I'm actually from the future, and oh ya did I...
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